T W E N T Y - O N E

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The breath that Iris hadn't known she was holding rushed out of her in an unsteady gush. Her hand reached out, moving to touch Edward's jaw with calculating eyes. The same hand quickly retracted in surprise when familiar sparks run through her at the same time Edward's eyes flew open.

"Did I frighten you." Iris joked her fingers inches away from Edward's face.

"You can't imagine how that feels." Edward said after a gentle shake of his head.

"I may have a clue." Iris smiled as the two fell into a soft kiss.

With an inhale Iris pulled away and turned towards the restaurant doors that were stationed about twenty steps away from where the couple stood leaned against Edwards Silver Volvo

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With an inhale Iris pulled away and turned towards the restaurant doors that were stationed about twenty steps away from where the couple stood leaned against Edwards Silver Volvo. "Why a restaurant."

"Why not a restaurant." Edward replied. "We've never been on a proper date....I thought it would be nice."

If he were still human his heart would be beating off of the charts. Edward had invited Iris out tonight because he felt that it was crucial that she knew what he was before their relationship moved forward. He chose a restaurant so Iris would feel somewhat safe when she found out and being in the public eye was the best way to do that. 

The pair began walked towards the restaurant that read 'La Bella Italia'.

'Well considering you never eat.' Iris thought with a small chuckle.

"I thought you would enjoy this." Edward said.

"I will...I am enjoying this. Thanks." Iris smiled while the two stepped inside the restaurant. The room fell silent as the cold from the Port Angeles air blew inside, most eyes were set on Edward - who led Iris towards one of the waiters that walked the duo to a vacant table that was slightly secluded from the rest of the restaurant through Edwards request.

"So can I take your order or would you like me to come back." The waiter asked after wiping his hands on the surface of his black waist apron.

"It's alright, I'll have the-." Iris started before scanning the menu that was set on the table. "Spaghetti Bolognese with parsley and parmesan. Thank you."

"Okay. And for you." The waiter said nodding his head towards Edward.

"I'll just have a glass of water." Edward muttered, eyes focused on the two seat table, his nerves were getting the best of him.

Iris smiled to herself recalling her last thought. The waiter walked away with his note pad clutched in his hand.

"Are you okay." Iris asked. Scrunching her eyebrows at the silent Edward.

......"Do you remember the day we first met." Edward replied with a nervous smile.

Iris shrugged with a smile of her own. "I remember you glaring at me for an hour."

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