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"We know you were with her you can stop denying it. Sarah's brother saw you two in Port Angeles the other day." Lauren said picking at the stale pizza that was entered on her plate.

"Lauren leave her alone if she doesn't want to tell us she doesn't have to, you aren't her mum." Jessica defended. Angela shot her a grateful look before shrugging her shoulders at Lauren.

"I'm just trying to make sure she's okay, I mean they're obviously freaks for all we know they could be forcing her to take drugs

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"I'm just trying to make sure she's okay, I mean they're obviously freaks for all we know they could be forcing her to take drugs."

"She doesn't take drugs."Angela snapped before she realised.

"Sarah's brother said you two were holding hands, what are you two like best friends now." Lauren continued as Angela shrunk down into her seat. Lauren and Jessica both gasped simultaneously snapping Angela out of her semi frozen state. The two had their eyes set on something behind Angela's back.

Angela turned around and found Robin looking directly at her with a small smile. Instead of Robin being surrounded by her friends like she usually was during lunch she was sat by herself in the corner of the cafeteria, gesturing for Angela to come to her with her hand.

"Does she mean you?"

Angela shrugged at Lauren again. "She probably needs help with homework." Angela suggested.

"Go see what she wants." Jessica said gently shoving Angela.

Lauren scoffed before rolling her eyes.

Turning back to Robin, Angela gave her an apologetic smile before shaking her head.

With a small sigh Robin rose from her seat and started making her way towards her.

"What is she doing." Jessica asked. All three girls now watched as Robin stood near their lunch table that was now silent waiting for Robin to speak. Mike, Tyler and Eric who had been in their own conversation now had their eyes set on Robin with wide eyes.

"Would you like to have lunch with me today." Robin asked glancing around at all Angela's friends with a weary expression.

"Umm." Angela started.

"Of course we would." Lauren replied patting the empty seat besides her.

"I was actually hoping Angela and I could sit alone." Robin continued ignoring the scoff that Lauren let out.

"She would love to, wouldn't you Angela." Jessica said. Instead of answering Angela gave Jessica a nod before standing up.

"I'm Tyler." One of the guys said hunching forward.

"We'll see you later Ang." Jessica added shaking her head at Tyler.

The two had found their way back to Robin's empty table and were sitting side by side with their backs turned towards everyone else.

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