T W E N T Y - F I V E

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"So Alice is a psychic and Jasper can feel and manipulate emotions." Iris repeated as Edward nodded.

Iris looked back at him from her position as the lead. The couple were making their way back to the field of flowers they had come to on their first date for the second time this week.

The first being the day before, this was where they spent their time while away from school. By next week they would be back - it would be enough time for Edward to prepare himself for the scent of his blood singer.

"What about the rest of your family." Iris asked bringing Edward back from his spiralling thoughts.

"The rest have gifts that don't advance past physical or internal." Edward started. "Rosalie has a stronger sense of physical beauty to her compared to other vampires, Emmett has exceptional strength, Esme has a strong ability to love passionately to a larger intent and Carlisle has an elevated sense of compassion that allows him to easily resist human blood."

As Edward explained Iris spared glances at him inspecting his expression. He had his eyes set on the sky that surprisingly lacked it's usual gloomy shade of grey - instead it was coated in a rich blue.

"What's wrong." Iris asked slowly stopping in her tracks as she turned to face Edward. She could see the frustration clear in his eyes.

Edward gave a small smile at her concern. "I drew you into my world with the thought that I would protect you from whatever danger came your way....."

Iris started to respond but paused when she read the expression of worry and fear on Edward's face.

"What if one day the danger you're running away from is me." Edward continued. "You saw how I reacted to the smell of blood."

Iris took a moment to figure out a way of explain. "Edward I knew what I was getting myself into and I've made my decision. Besides I can take care of myself."

"Not from my kind."

"No." Iris said a smile creeping onto her face. "I'm pretty sure I could take you."

Edward replied with a short laugh that grew when Iris lifted her fists up and began punching the air. Reaching forward Edward moved to gently grab her wrists but instead found himself with his wrists locked in Iris's hands.

She sent him a smug look that read 'I told you so' before continuing the walk towards the flower filled field.

Edward stayed standing in the same spot watching as the sun came peaking through the trees of the forest for the first time in weeks

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Edward stayed standing in the same spot watching as the sun came peaking through the trees of the forest for the first time in weeks. He waited until Iris realised that he wasn't following her and turned back with her eyebrow raised.

"What is it." Iris said looking up at the sky to try and find what Edward was looking for. She quickly looked down when the light of the sun shown in her eyes. After quickly wiping at them Iris looked back at Edward to find him.....

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