P r o l o g u e - Sebastian

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Freshman Year

Insomnia was something Sebastian had been dealing with since he powers first advanced on him, being able to hear thoughts non stop wasn't the best case when trying to sleep. With his weak control over his abilities he usually found himself sucked into other peoples dream when he had even a little bit of sleep.

During the past couple of weeks he found himself being pulled into Xanders dreams.

The first time it happened Sebastian had woken up to Xander screaming, his mind a mess of mental horrors. Sebastian laid in bed and took a deep breath in before glancing to the wall beside his bed to the room next door. Xander was shuddering under a thin sheet oblivious to all but his inner demons.

"God Damnit." He ran his hands through his hair, with his eyes shut tight. Sebastian couldn't really blame Xander, not for this. It wasn't his fault that Sebastian couldn't control his powers.

"Shit." Sebastian shivered, not from cold but from his skin prickling like he was being watched. He knew that Dean Westbrook and the Professors knew that this was what he went through every night, he always found himself drawn into someone's dreams and nowadays that person was usually Xander. He and the four other student with psychic abilities had to take extra classes to try and control the spiral of their powers, he was having the hardest time at doing that in the group.

"Go back to sleep." Sebastian told himself. He'd have to figure out how to stop himself from being drawn into someone else's mind before he drove himself insane.

Only when Xander's mind was calm and the images from dreams had disappeared, did Sebastian turn over and fall back to sleep.


Sebastian woke from Xander's next night's nightmare to silence. He didn't know why exactly that was at first, this nightmare was as messed up as the last. Monsters attacking. People dying.

Sebastian wanted to see as little of that as he could get away with. Still he'd almost prefer wet dreams or something sappy and romantic or kinky like the dreams he got from other students than waking up like this, panicked and full of cold sure fear.

He glanced around in the dark no shadows moved and nothing stirred but the breath coming heavily out of his chest. He still felt the weight of fear. Sebastian narrowed his eyes straining his ears to listen before his breath caught in his throat when he listened to the silence instead of Xander's heart beat.

 Sebastian narrowed his eyes straining his ears to listen before his breath caught in his throat when he listened to the silence instead of Xander's heart beat

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"Breathe damn it." Sebastian hissed, hovering over Xander's unmoving body alarm washing cold over his skin. After the fright he had sprinted out of his room down the hall of the dormitories and skidded to Xander's side.

Only because Sebastian was watching carefully did he see Xander's chest rise and fall. He took a shuddering breath sliding onto the side of Xander's bedroom wall and glancing around his room. Sebastian didn't want to imagine Xander dying in that way, helpless, confused and terrified. He took another breath staring up at the ceiling as he felt guilt sting at him.

If Xander had lost himself in that nightmare, had died without waking – and Sebastian had left him behind to just wake himself up and get away. That...that was Sebastian's own fear, ever since he heard the first voice in his head when he was nine. That he'd have to hear someone he loved die. That he couldn't save them because of his lack of power or weakness in understanding it.

Xander wasn't dead and that was enough, he didn't need to shake him awake to be sure. He could feel Xander's dream impressions, thoughts racing and the flashes of images that crossed.

"Why can't you just dream of something normal?" Sebastian asked the sleeping Xander.

Crazy people talked to themselves. Crazy people talked to people who weren't awake like they were and tried to help voices screaming for help that no one else could hear. Sebastian had more in common with Xander than he thought after spending a week in his nightmares.

Xander's mental problems had not been night terrors or screaming - it had been feeling too much of the truth and conditioned self denial, caught between a cage of social control and fantastically unrealistic freedom. Even here Xander feared death and Sebastian couldn't blame him – Sebastian knew what his powers where and even though he didn't have the best control over them. No one knew what Xander's power limit was. With Xander's magnetic manipulation he could accidentally move the earth itself and inevitably destroy it.

Sebastian rolled his eyes feeling the tug of Xander's feelings like a whirlpool swirling cold, confusion and fear. He thought of what he had left of his family and friends. Caroline's face came into his thoughts one too many times.

Sebastian chuckled knowing this was a secret between both Caroline and Xander and that he couldn't tell anyone until they realised themselves.


It was the third night and the third nightmare when Sebastian woke up half surprised when he didn't smell himself burning alive from the inside out. Unlike most other Guardians he was gifted with more than one power. Telepathy and Pyrokinesis.

He had stronger control over his Pyrokinesis then his Telepathy but his Pyrokinesis was connected to his emotional state. At this moment he had his and Xander's emotions swirling through his mind so he wouldn't be surprised if he woke up one night with his bed on fire considering it had happened once before.

He brought his hand to the front of his face to be sure it shook a little but it wasn't smoking or flaming red proving to Sebastian that he was okay.

Xander's mind screamed and Sebastian scrambled out of bed rushing to his room. Running in he found Xander still asleep. He was screaming in his dreams.

 He was screaming in his dreams

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"Xander." Sebastian hissed bleakly, feeling helpless against his friends anguish. He thrashed against the covers on his bed as if wrestling against an enemy. Sebastian knelt at the side of his bed staring down at him and hearing Xander cry out again within his mind where no one else could hear.

"Xander. Damn it. Wake up." Sebastian felt a flutter of fear that this time he wouldn't be able to wake him. It made him reckless; he reached out and shook his shoulders.

Xander opened his eyes, and saw Sebastian staring down at him with pain.

"Thank you." He whispered with meaning. Sebastian exhaled turning away towards his bedroom wall as tears rolled down his face. Placing his hands over his mouth to stop the sobs that escaped.  



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