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Iris was sprawled out across her bed with her comforter on the floor

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Iris was sprawled out across her bed with her comforter on the floor. She had spent all of Sunday night in bed watching Television and hadn't stepped a foot out of bed.

"Alright. That's enough, get out of bed." Sebastian fretted barging into Iris's room. Where Iris had spent all night watching TV, Sebastian had spent the night overpowered by Iris's uncontrollable thoughts. 

The group had usually been well aware of Sebastian's telepathic powers and at least tried to control their thoughts when it came to their emotions but Iris as it seemed didn't care anymore, which meant that Sebastian was left with an aching migraine. He had had enough.

"What." Iris asked sitting up.

"The Guilt, the pain, the anger. I really can't take it anymore, so either you get up or I go get Edward Cullen right now and bring him here." Sebastian threatened. Iris scoffed in reply falling back onto her bed.

"You wouldn't."

"Try me Iris. Now get up you're going to 'school' today." Sebastian voiced muttering out his annoyance as he walked out of Iris's room.

Iris stared up at the ceiling of the room, she wasn't sure if Sebastian was bluffing or not but he wasn't one to lie and she didn't want to take the chance. So she shuffled her way off her bed and made her way to her bathroom to get ready for the day.


Walking through the halls of Forks High School Iris sped up after looking at the time on her watch. She had been walking with her head down ever since she stepped out of Robin's car trying to keep a low profile. 

Coming face to face with her Biology classroom door Iris sighed and walked in, she felt nothing but relief when she found her desk empty, he wasn't here yet. Iris wasn't ready to face him yet.

The teacher was placing microscopes and boxes on each desk.

Class hadn't begun yet so she sat at her desk, mentally bracing herself for the moment he would walk into the room. 

She sat still until she felt the seat next to her shift, instead of the same reaction occurring her magic felt at ease, like she was meant to be near Edward and she let out the breath she didn't know she was holding.

"Hello." Edward voiced. Iris still with her eyes strained towards the top of her desk raised her eyebrow. She was surprised that he even acknowledged her existence.

"My name is Edward Cullen." He continued.

"We've already been through this." Iris noted finally looking at him with an annoyed expression. She knew she was supposed to be nice and become his friend but she couldn't help herself. 

The way he gracefully spoke without a single stutter kind of annoyed her.

"That encounter didn't exactly end well. I hoped we could start anew." He replied his lips twitching into an invisible smile.

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