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It was the day after the accident and Iris was dreading the idea of going to school but she knew she had to. One of the main concerns of being on a mission surrounded by humans was to not draw attention to yourself and that was exactly what Iris had done, not that she had any control over the incident. She also knew that she would have to face Edward today, she knew it was inevitable but that didn't mean she was looking forward to it.

Iris still hadn't figured out how she felt about him and she wasn't sure if seeing him would make it clearer for her or more clouded. She knew that if her feelings for him where growing it would be harder for her to continue lying to him about herself and telling him the truth was not an option.

It wasn't that Guardians weren't allowed to form relationships with the supernatural creatures that weren't informed of what Guardians were, they could but if the relationship continued either it being of romantic intent or not the Guardian couldn't expose their world to them, for the safety of other Guardians. 

They were given one option though, the Guardian was given the choice of having their supernatural abilities taken away and living a normal life. That was it, that was their only option and it was definitely not a life Iris would ever want no matter how strong her feelings for Edward were getting she couldn't picture her life without her powers. Then again it was getting harder to picture her life without Edward and it killed her.

She didn't know if the pull towards him was only because they were mates even though reasonably she knew that they wouldn't be mates if they weren't eligible for each other. Who was she trying to kid, Iris knew that if her and Edward weren't mates she would of still grown feelings for him and she had to accept that.

"You've been staring at the dashboard for like five minutes. You can go home if you want." Sebastian said waving his hand in front of Iris's face. "Take my car, I'll ride home with Caroline."

"You know I can't." Iris replied reaching towards the backseat of Sebastian's car for her back pack.

"Avoiding him wont help, you know." Sebastian continued.

"How do you do that." Iris asked sighing as she followed Sebastian, making their way towards the school building.

"Do what."

"Know what I'm thinking without reading my mind." Iris said. "You do it all the time. and not just to me."

"It gets easier after knowing you guys for so long." Sebastian started. "You've all only had Caroline's shield up for about year, imagine having to read your minds for sixteen years. I just began knowing what you guys were thinking by your the look in your eyes."

"That has to be frustrating." Iris said, pulling the sleeves of her jacket further down her hands for warmth.

"You have no idea." Sebastian muttered. "You should talk to Caroline."

"Why." Iris asked, her eyebrows scrunched up.

"Just...talk to her, preferably without Xander in the room." Sebastian explained

"Could you be anymore vague." Iris said. Sebastian shrugged his shoulders slowly walking away, his eyes never leaving Iris. "I'll see you later."

"Don't avoid him, right now he's the only one that could relate to your problem. Just remember that he has a decision to make too, their kind have rules to follow as well." Sebastian said tapping his temple. "I would know."

Turning around Iris began making her way towards her class after one last glance at her schedule that was written on her hand, she had History. She could feel the prickling stares from other students as she made her way through the halls. She hoped this wouldn't be the case.

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