T W E N T Y - T W O

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"Robin." Iris huffed pulling Robin's comforter off of her and patting her shoulders. "Robin you have to get up."

Robin groaned then reached over to her bedside table for her phone to check the time. 5:51am. They still had another hour before having to worry about getting up for school. "Whhhyy."

"We have company. Get dressed then come down and hurry." Iris replied making her down the stairs of Robin's attic bedroom.

After another groan Robin rolled herself out of bed and got herself prepared for the day. Who would be visiting them at five o'clock in the morning - actually who would be visiting them at all.

With that thought in mind Robin sped down the stairs at a human pace and walked into the living room. Her friends where all sat on the couches staring up at one of the Circle members - Sister Kathleen who stood tall with her usual coat hovering a couple centimetres past her head.

"Miss Penrail, thank you for finally joining us." Katerina said gesturing her hand toward's the loveseat indicating that Robin should take a seat.


The Circle member nodded before continuing. "The other members asked me here today to see how you five are going with this mission. Has there been any trouble with the Vampire clan."

"Okay, wait hold on." Robin sighed. "How did you get in here, I thought Caroline put up shield around the house that only we could walk through."

"About that Miss Bennett." Kathleen said turning to Caroline who perked up waiting for his answer. "During your Junior year at the Institute you should work on strengthening your physical shields as they expand to a size like this, your mental shields may be strong enough to keep people out but anyone could of walked into this house with a little force."

Caroline nodded staring down at her hands, she thought that she had reached the point of having complete control over her powers - apparently not. Xander placed his hand on her knee to try and comfort her, he knew she was beating herself up.

"Everything's fine. The Cullen's aren't violent, they seem to have perfect control over their thirst." Xander said bringing the attention back to the matter at hand.

"And this is after what....one outing with them." Sebastian commented.

"If you gave them a chance you would see that they're people too. Good people, they choose to live their lives suppressing who they are to save people they don't even know. I think that deserves a little credit." Caroline added. Iris and Xander nodded in response while Robin and Sebastian shook their heads.

"I didn't come here to hear a debate on whether the vampires are good people or not. My question was, has there been any trouble with the Cold Ones. Has our world been kept a secret."

"Yes mamm, our secret is safe and they aren't any trouble at all." Iris said.

"We gave you five the permission to befriend the Vampire's, why haven't you used that to your advantage." Kathleen asked, eyes glancing to Robin and Sebastian.

"I don't trust them." Sebastian replied.

"Have they given you a reason not to." Sister Kathleen said. "Have their thoughts been dishonest."

"They've thought about killing us once or twice, Iris specifically." Sebastian explained.

"What!" The girls gasped.

"Why would they think about harming you." The circle member asked. "Is there something you are not telling me."

Iris exhaled. "One of them is my mate."

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