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Clenching her hands, Iris's nails dug into her palms so hard that blood began to draw

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Clenching her hands, Iris's nails dug into her palms so hard that blood began to draw. Inhaling Iris opened her mouth to let out a scream when a voice interrupted her mini breakdown.

"Iris. What are you doing here."

She had woken up early and snuck out to the field her and her friends had found during the first few days at Forks.

"I could ask you the same thing Caroline." Iris said folding her arms to hide the fact that she was bleeding.

"Well I asked you first." Caroline replied. Walking over to Iris, Caroline unfolded her arms and examined her bloody hands. The wound had already healed but the blood still stained her palms.

"I needed to scream. This was the only place I could come where no one would hear me." Iris explained dropping her arms from Caroline's grasp. Back at the Institute each student had their own room, that was conveniently sound proof so whenever Iris was stressed because of an exam she would scream.

"Me too." Caroline said eyes wide. "What do you need to scream about."

"I just overwhelmed." Iris started. "All of sudden there's this boy I can't stop thinking about and it's driving me insane."

Caroline stared willing herself to not smile. "What part of that was supposed to surprise me."

"What." Iris said.

"Iris I told you from the beginning that this bond was strong. The more time you spend with him the stronger your emotions get." Caroline explained.

"Why do you need to scream." Iris asked changing the subject. "Is this about Xander."

"Of course it's about Xander." Caroline started. "I can't talk to him. This isn't some poorly written romance novel and it won't end with him pulling me into his arms."

"Then what are you going to do ignore your feelings." Iris asked.

"Yes." Caroline replied. "Not to sound like a cliche but whatever I'm feeling will ruin our friendship and I can't risk that."

"Caroline I know you strive on knowing everything  but this is one moment in your life that you're going to have to take a chance on." Iris said. "Besides even if this doesn't end the way you hope it does you have to trust me when I say it won't be the end of your friendship with him. He loves you, whether it be in a romantic way or not he does and he would never let something you can't control ruin over eight years of friendship."

Caroline looked up at the grey clouded sky trying to stop her tears from dropping she knew Iris was right. Glancing down at her watch she sighed.

"We should go we still have school today."

"Wait." Iris said grabbing Caroline's hand. "We came here to do one thing."

Nodding Caroline gave her a small smile before inhaling and letting out a scream with Iris mimicking. The two noises clashed together and birds overhead squawked and fled away in fright.

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