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Caroline was sat on top of the kitchen table, trying to convince her friends to join her on her day with Alice and maybe Rosalie.

"She said if we wanted to we didn't have to go shopping. I promised her someone else was joining me." Caroline explained.

"You promised her, without asking us, what made you think that we didn't have plans." Robin asked.

"Because, I didn't know any of you had people to make plans with. Everyone we know in this town are in this room." Caroline continued.

"Well, I have a date with Angela."

"And I have a da-. I'm spending the day with Edward."

"Sebastian, X-Xander. How about you." Caroline asked.

"Sorry Care, I was going to roam around Forks for awhile." Sebastian replied.

"Can't that wait until tomorrow" Caroline begged.

Sebastian shook his head before answering. "I don't think the blonde vampire likes me anyway."

"Well, you did snap at her." Xander said and Sebastian shot him a annoyed look.

"What about you, Xander." Caroline asked letting out a small sigh.

"Sure. It was my idea, to make them our friends. I'll go." Xander explained and Caroline let out another sigh.

"Thank you."



"Here you go, Honey," the waitress muttered pulling Leah out of her thoughts. She looked up and slowly released the air in her lungs.    

She'd been craving black berry pie all week, so instead of joining Sam for breakfast like she usually did on Saturday mornings, she found a small family restaurant in Forks.  Aside from her mother's and Emily's the pie at this restaurant was the best she'd ever had. It had been years since the last time she tasted Emily's cooking, but since she'd been on the Reservation for a visit, Leah would always find herself at her house, but she didn't want to bother her so early in the morning.

Leah hadn't spoken to Sam since she was caught making out with a stranger, how could she be so stupid. Leah knew one thing for sure, she loved Sam, they'd been together since she was a freshman in Highschool, and she couldn't believe she ruined their relationship.

She hadn't caught up with him on the beach, so she decided to wait for him at his house, somewhere she knew he couldn't ignore her. He came home with a scowl and when he saw her he flinched away with guilt and she thought maybe he had forgiven her but instead he told her to go home because he couldn't deal with her anymore. Leah didn't know what that meant for the two but wasn't mad, because she knew she would of done the same thing if she was in Sam's position. She had stared at him for a while because she knew something was off about him. She didn't have enough time to inspect him and figure it out because he slammed his door in her face. She made it home and cried herself to sleep from guilt, it was her own fault that Sam hated her.

"You shouldn't be so hard on yourself."


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