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Iris sighed impatiently resisting the urge to shove her way out of the damn plane. She rubbed her temples in agitation her fingers clenching around her carry on bag as her eyebrow twitched. 

If she felt one more hot breath down her neck. She wasn't sure if she could restrain herself from hurting someone. Iris nearly cried out in relief when she was able to exit the plane. 

She didn't understand why they had to take a portal to the Mortal Realm then take a plane filled with humans to Washington, when they could've just travelled straight to Washington through the Portal.



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"Okay. Who's idea was it to let Robin drive." Sebastian asked clutching onto the bar of the car door as Robin sped through the streets of Washington towards the Welcome to Forks sign.

"What is that supposed to mean." Robin replied glancing back at Sebastian.

"It means that the last time you drove we crashed into a tree."

"That was an accident, besides the roads in Eden are different to the roads on Earth." Robin continued.

"The roads weren't the problem Robin." Xander added.

"They go to High School." Caroline muttered looking up from her ipad. It held all the information they needed for the next five months.

"What." We all asked simultaneously.

"The Vampires. They go to High School.' She answered looking up and staring at all our confused faces. 'If they go High School we also need to go to High School. They enrolled us into the school. We're going to have to attend tomorrow."

"So. We need to spend our Break from school going to school?"Robin questioned rolling her eyes and taking a sharp turn with her friends tumbling in their seats. "Talk about Irony."



Iris stood on the grounds of her new home for the next five months and she felt like a stranger

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Iris stood on the grounds of her new home for the next five months and she felt like a stranger. Taking a breath she spun slowly taking in all the windows the hardwood floors and the walls before walking up the stairs two at a time with her bags in her hands.

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