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"It almost feels like we're in a prison." Robin said, sitting on the seat near the living room window. She was poking at the shield Caroline had set around the house, it didn't exactly feel like a physical shield but more like she was sticking her hand through water.

"It's not that different to protective shield that was around the Institute. You'll get used to it after awhile." Caroline explained. Iris shot her a look of surprise.

"There was a shield around the Institute."Iris repeated, her eyes wide.

"Yeah. I read about it in one of the history books. The one around the Institute was made with stronger magic so you couldn't feel any difference when you walked through it." Caroline added. "Stop poking it."

"It's there to protect us, not keep us in. Have some perspective."

"You've known me for nine years, Iris. When have I ever had perspective?" Robin said giving Iris a smile which she returned.

"So have you talked to the human yet." Caroline asked.

"Yeah. How'd you kno-." Robin started but cut herself off when she say Xander and Sebastian walk through the front door. Giving Sebastian a sharp look she continued. "Never mind."

The two walked into the house late after picking up food for the five. Closing the door behind them Iris could see that they were arguing.

"What are you two talking about." Iris asked. Both boys shot each other irritated looks before Sebastian turned towards the girls and started explaining.

"Apparently the Circle thinks it would be a good idea to become friends with the Vampires, because Xander here, told them that it would be a good idea." Sebastian said and Xander gave him an exasperated look as the girls stared at him with shock.

"Okay we were going to have to confront them eventually, remember Iris still has that bond with one of them." Xander explained trying to defend himself.

"Actually I don't thin-." Iris said as Sebastian interrupted her. 

"Maybe you should've talked to us before you decided on you own to talk to the Circle." He said, with an edge to his voice. Before he interrupted her, Iris was going to explain that maybe there was no bond to worry about.

"I know maybe I wasn't think about that part and I'm sorry but you have to admit that knowing them would make it easier for us to see if they're a threat. Since we got here we've barely done anything, for all we know they could just be trying to live their lives. The sooner we know the sooner we can leave Forks and get back to our lives." said Xander. They all stood still for a couple seconds wrapping their heads around what Xander had explained and one by one the three girls nodded. 

Sebastian stared at him for a bit longer before Xander sighed. 'I'm sorry.' He thought and Sebastian smiled nodding his head, the two then shook hands while pulling each other into a quick hug.

"So what, we just start talking to them out of the blue." Robin asked.

"We'll have to ease into it. The Circle said that we could befriend them, but our secret has to stay our secret." Xander said walking towards the kitchen.

"What if they don't want anything to do with us. They do think we're human. When have you ever seen a vampire willingly talk to a human unless....you know they're trying to kill them or something." Robin said.

"I'm friends with one of them. It wasn't that hard." Caroline stated.

"But you and the pixie have your exaggerated excitement for everything in common. Some of us don't really like talking to other people." Sebastian explained and Caroline shot him a look but didn't reply.

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