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Alice had spent the last two days trying to convince Rosalie to join her on her shopping trip but she thought that shopping wasn't worth risking the life of their family. Rosalie had given her an hour lecture about the danger she was putting their family in by going through with her plans but Alice knew what she was doing.

She had seen it, her family and the newcomers would become great friends some day to the point where she would think of them as family and she wanted that. Alice didn't know how, why or when it would happen because every time she tried to see into the future of Caroline and her friends she would feel like their was a wall blocking her from moving forward it drove her insane. This was another reason Rosalie thought they should stay away from them, they were unpredictable anything could happen and their family wouldn't be able to prevent it.

 This was another reason Rosalie thought they should stay away from them, they were unpredictable anything could happen and their family wouldn't be able to prevent it

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The drive to Port Angeles was meant to be an hour long but with Alice's crazy driving the group made it in less than 40 minutes.

The four were stood in a store with Alice leading the way roaming through the isles. Caroline hated to admit it but she was exhausted, Alice had done it she had made her sick of shopping.

Caroline made her way towards Alice who was planted at the front counter of the store, glancing back she could see Xander and Jasper strolling towards her too. They had spent the whole day talking about God knows what with bags full of clothes and shoes clutched in their hands. Turning back towards Alice who's eyes scanned the jewellery that was stationed at the counter, she seemed as interested as someone would be after they had bought half the store and Caroline had to wonder where her love for shopping came from. Although she had only known Alice for a small amount of time she had never seen her look so happy besides the times where her and Jasper had their eyes locked on each other.

"Alice?" Caroline said pressing her elbows onto the countertop. Alice stopped and turned towards her.

"Why do you love shopping so much?" Caroline asked. Alice tilted her head and gave her a content smile like she'd heard this question a million times.

"Well. As I'm sure you already know my Siblings and I were adopted. Before them I don't remember much of my life." Alice paused grasping Jasper's hands after he and Xander found their way towards the two and placed the bags on the counter. The checkout guide was nowhere to be seen so the four waited patiently.

 The checkout guide was nowhere to be seen so the four waited patiently

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