T W E N T Y - F O U R

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... = Flashback


Sue was exhausted, this was her first shift back to work in weeks. She had spent a week working with the Elders of the Quiluete tribe searching for a newly turned Shapeshifter - Sam, and telling him about the legends of their tribe and the truth behind them.

Then Sue and the Elders had to spend another two weeks trying to help Sam with his anger and coming to terms with his new status as well as telling him the rules and conditions that came with being part of the secret .

Even though Sue wasn't an official member of the tribal consul she acted as one and that meant she was swarmed with huge amounts of responsibility.

Working with Sam took about three weeks, when he was ready and felt comfortable enough with going into the world Sue had returned home and focused all her attention on her daughter.

She had returned home and found Leah sprawled out on her bedroom floor staring up at her ceiling, after hours of cuddling with her Sue had told her Leah the truth about their tribe in hopes that it would sort of ease her pain.

With spending almost a month guiding Sam, Sue had grown to despise the man even more then she had while he was in a relationship with her daughter.

The consul had told him about the aspects of imprinting and to him that made it okay that he hurt Leah. Sue didn't know if he was looking to be punched or if he just didn't understand what imprinting really was even though she had explained it multiple times to him.

Her husband had sat near her with a small scowl on his face directed at Sam who he hadn't said a word to throughout the meeting. He focused on keeping his wife from physically assaulting Sam - his hand was set on Sue's knee.

After Sue finally convinced her daughter that she was telling the truth about the legends she moved on to the hardest part. Telling Leah about Imprinting.


"There's more." Sue sighed squeezing on Leah's hands that were gripped in her's.

Leah released a deep breath bracing herself for what would come next. She had just found out that the Quileute tribe were descendants of shapeshifting wolves, what else could there be.

"Quileute shapeshifters hold this 'gift' I guess, that allows them to find the person most....suitable for them in a sudden way." Sue started. "That person could be suitable as a sister, brother, friend or in most cases a romantic partner."

"Mum." Leah said with a sceptical tone, she didn't know where her mother was going with this.

Sue shook her head slightly at her daughter, stopping her from interrupting. "Your father didn't think I should tell you this but I thought it would help."

Leah nodded.

"When the shapeshifter gene is activated, the carrier isn't really in control of themselves. The man may want one thing but the wolf another. The wolf however has stronger control during the first few years of shifting meaning whatever the mans wolf wants he gets and the man has little to no control over their decisions." Sue explained pushing a few strands of hair behind Leah's ear.

"So the person that the shapeshifter footprints on isn't the man's choice." Leah said with furrowed eyebrows.

"Imprints." Sue corrected. "Yes and No."

"What do you mean."

"Although the wolf is in more control the imprint is someone that the man has an attraction to." Sue said.

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