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Angela and Robin had officially been in a relationship for the past three weeks. Throughout those three weeks the two had spent almost everyday together, some at school and others exploring Forks and Port Angeles. So Angela didn't know why she was surprised especially considering the town they lived in that was full of gossip.

Word had travelled back to her parents that she had been spending time with one of the new comers in town and rumours had started of the two being in a relationship, not that they weren't true. Forks wasn't the most progressive town so as soon as she started getting looks from adults around town she knew something was wrong.

She had come home the other day to her parents waiting for her at the front door with confused smiles on their faces. They had sat her down and asked her what was going on and she had no choice but to finally tell them what she'd been hiding from everyone except her best friend Jessica and Robin.

The conversation didn't go exactly as she assumed though.

"Sweetheart, we've been waiting years for you to finally tell us, we hate that we had to hear about this from gossip." Her mum had said.

"You have to remember that you can tell us anything, you have nothing to be afraid of with us." Her dad had followed grasping Angela's hand in his.

"So when are we going to meet this new friend of yours."

"She's my- She's actually my girlfriend." Angela muttered shying away from her parents growing smiles.

"I knew it." Her mother jumped clapping her hands. "Invite her over for dinner so we can meet her."

That conversation is what led Angela to her shaking hands as she prepared to invite Robin over for dinner. She was purposely taking her time as she made her way to one of the classes she had with Robin.

But apparently she hadn't taken enough of her time making her way to class because she came face to face with her Chemistry classroom door. Sliding in Angela walked to the table she shared with Robin after sending her a smile.

"Hey." Robin said placing her Chemistry book on the desk. She could practically sense the nerves coming off of Angela she could also see her hands shaking.

"Hi." Angela replied.

"Is everything alright." Robins asked grabbing Angela's hands to stop her shaking.

"I'm fine."

"You're nervous, are you going to make me guess why." Robin said.

"My parents- I told them I was-." Angela stuttered.

"That you're gay." Robin said a smile forming on her face. "Thats great.....unless they didn't take it well."

"No. No they were great. A little angry that they had to hear about it from rumours but over all they were amazing." Angela explained.

"Rumours? There are rumours about us." Robin questioned.

"Forks isn't the town of privacy."

"Apparently. Are you okay with that." Robin said. "Is that why you're so nervous, are people giving you a hard time."

"No." Angela said a small laugh slipping from Robin's reaction. "My parents wanted me to invite you over for dinner tomorrow night so they can meet you."


"It's ok if you say no. That would be my choice too." Angela reassured.

" Angela reassured

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