P r o l o g u e - Iris

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Freshman Year Holidays

Her heart was breaking and she felt like she was drowning in her grief

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Her heart was breaking and she felt like she was drowning in her grief. Her mother was one of the few people she could always depend on and trust. Today was the day she would bury her.

Elena Odessa was the one who taught her right from wrong - her mother would never hug her again. Iris would never again roll her eyes when her mother teased her about her being obsessive. She would never again hear her mother's laugh or her voice.

There was nothing we could do, the healers had said. She lived a heroic life and she died a heroic women. Her Father assured her. Iris barely heard him, her grief was insurmountable and deafening. Over 160 years had past since her mother's birth, Iris knew her mother lived a full eventful life and yet she still stood alone hugging herself and staring at the hole that had been prepared for her mother wishing she could have had more time with her. Her friends glanced at her anxiously from time to time but Iris ignored them.

You were born then died, then you got shoved in a box and thrown in the ground. Her mother deserved better.

That evening Iris's friends and family were gathered at her family home up in the mountains of Eden. One by one they said their goodbyes and left her. Finally only Sebastian, Robin, Caroline and Xander remained. They all sat in silence staring at the grey clouds that had striking lightning bolts hovering over them, knowing that they were caused by Iris. Her eyes glowed like a silver lake.

"I'm fine," Iris finally spoke. "I'll be fine. I just want to go to sleep." 

"You shouldn't be alone Iris." Sebastian said.

"Then stay but I'm going to bed." Iris shrugged and walked away.

They all looked at each other as another struck of lightning hit the Earth

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They all looked at each other as another struck of lightning hit the Earth.

"She hasn't cried at all today." Xander said worryingly.

"She will." Caroline replied. "You guys can go home, I'll stay. I can sleep on the couch. I don't want to leave her alone in case she wakes up in the middle of the night."

"We're not going anywhere." Robin said shaking her head at Caroline.

"There's no need for all of us to stay. Besides there's only one couch." Caroline replied shaking her head back.

"Then we'll just have to sleep on the floors. I'll go get the blankets." Sebastian said giving her a warm smile and heading for the stairs.

A small whisper of sound reached into Sebastian's consciousness and he awoke with a start.

"Guys?" he muttered wakeing the heap of bodies on the floor.

He sharpened his hearing and could hear Iris sobbing in her bedroom. He started to get up trying to maneuver his way past all the feet. With his friends following he sped to her bedroom crawling into her bed and holding her as she wept. Iris who had finally let herself cry looked like she would never stop.

Robin's heart ached for her. What must it be like to mourn a parent who loved you? There were no real words of comfort she could offer her, only meaningless platitudes.

She began to whimper and Caroline hurried to soothe her, wrapping her arms around her while Sebastian and Robin stroked her hair and Xander sat at the foot of her bed.

"Sweetheart, it's alright. Let it out." Caroline whispered.

"She's gone. I want her back, bring her back. Please bring her back." She pleaded to Xander, making Caroline jump as yet again a struck of thunder shook the house.

"You know I would. I would do so in a heartbeat, with no hesitation if I could." Xander said softly recognising the simple truth.

"Please. It hurts, it hurts so much. Bring her back - I can't."

"I know. But I promise you'll get through this." Robin whispered as tears slid down her cheeks watching her friend in pain.

The rest of the night was spent with Iris's friends trying to comfort her. Finally when the lights in the house blew out her friends knew she was asleep.


Iris slowly opened her eyes as the morning dawned. For a moment, she forgot. For a moment she only felt loved and safe wrapped in Sebastian and Caroline's arms, with Robin's head rested on her lap and Xander's hands over her feet.

But too soon she remembered. Her mother was dead.



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