P r o l o g u e - Caroline

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Sophomore Year

Some days, Caroline could wake up refreshed and ready to face a new day. Most days, she would wake up feeling slightly moody but, she was still able to hang in there.

Other days, she'd wake and would rather die than get up.

This was one of those days. Her hip was buzzing. That didn't seem right.

Caroline's left eye fought her, but she got it open. The right was far more stubborn. Didn't matter, because all she could see through her cloud of hair was darkness, which she figured wasn't much to look at anyway. The only reason she could see her hair in the first place was the moonlight illuminating the room through the open window. She gave up and closed her eye.

Her hip buzzed again. Gah.

She groped her butt a bit, and then snatched up the offending, vibrating cell phone. Without bothering to check the caller ID, she croaked "Hello?

"Hey Care, where are you?"


And right then, for the life of her she couldn't remember anything that happened the night before. But soon, as her senses began booting up she knew without a doubt that she was lying down on a couch in Xander's dorm. The firm yet soft cushion supporting her body was as familiar as sunshine on...well sunny days as it should be for all the nights she'd slept on it in the past.

Caroline sat upright, and immediately regretted the hasty movement. Her head began to throb and the blanket that had been covering her fell to the floor. The cold air swathed around her and she shivered, before quickly reaching down to retrieve and re- wrap herself in the warm cotton.

"I'm at Xander's." she yawned. "Something up?"

"Ah Xander's, is it? Hmmm."

Immediately Caroline felt defensive

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Immediately Caroline felt defensive. "Yes at Xander's. We went on a mission yesterday and had to kill a Shōjō demon. I had to get so wasted so I crashed on a friends couch instead of walking through the whole institute to get to my room. There's nothing wrong with that!"

Sebastian laughed a wicked laugh through the phone. "I just said hmmm. No need to scratch my eyes out. But anyway, Robin and I are leaving for 'Eden' in a few hours. So if you need us you won't be able to reach us. So don't need us. Pass that message to Iris and Xander, please they won't answer their phones."

Caroline was nonplussed. "Maybe it's because it's..." she stole a peek at her cell phone's screen and the blindingly bright display glared 4:53 at her. "... 4:53 in morning"

While waiting for her friend's answer she spent a few more moments orienting herself before getting up. Slowly still draped in the blanket she navigated her way to Xander's room in the darkness feeling her way by sliding her left palm against the walls while accidentally sending random knick-knacks crashing to the floor.

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