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Robin and Iris were sat in the living room of their new home cuddled near the blazing fire place. Both the girls had grown up in the main city of Eden where the cold was rare so adjusting to the change in temperature would be rough. 

The three other members of their group had headed off to the cities near Forks to shop for more suitable outfits for themselves. 

Iris had stayed behind because her magic was still on edge and she didn't know what would set her off, she felt guilty that she couldn't go considering it was her idea but she trusted Caroline to know what she would want for clothing

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Iris had stayed behind because her magic was still on edge and she didn't know what would set her off, she felt guilty that she couldn't go considering it was her idea but she trusted Caroline to know what she would want for clothing. 

Robin had volunteered to stay behind with Iris because she felt like she didn't need new clothes even though she knew that Caroline would buy her some nonetheless.

"So you and the Vampire. Have you decided on what he'll be to you." Robin asked turing off the Television. They had spent the past three hours watching different TV series in their pyjama's.

"If I could help it he would be nothing to me." Iris replied.

"But you can't. Besides the two of you, I'm not going to lie wouldn't look the worst together." Robin continued.

"By together I hope you don't mean in a relationship. Because if anything a friendship would be as far he and I will ever get." Iris responded while Robin furrowed her eyebrows.

"Getting a little too defensive aren't you Iris." Robin teased. Iris went to defend herself but shut her mouth instead, she knew if she said anything her words would be twisted.

Maybe you're right, maybe he was meant to be your friend. He doesn't seem like the type of person you would be interested in." Robin added.

"What do you mean." Iris asked.

"You're usually attracted to the more troubled ones." Robin replied. Iris stared at her with disbelief, she knew everything about Robin. She knew that Robin was the type of person to tell you she loved you through anger, whenever one of them got hurt she would shout out a whole lecture about them being stupid and putting themselves in dangerous situations. 

She knew that she was afraid of showing her love because she never had the love she deserved from her parents. Iris was some what offended that that was what Robin thought of her.

"Flaws" Iris murmured "I'm looking for flaws. Someone who has a symmetrically pretty face doesn't do it for me, and probably never will. The imperfections are what makes one perfect. To be honest, his attractiveness puts me off. I admire their beauty but I don't really want to date something I can get from a painting." Iris ended her stare never wavering. Robin flinched away from Iris's stare - It felt like a punch.

"You think I don't know you." Robin asked reading the emotions that were held behind Iris's eyes. Iris instead of answering childishly turned away from her.

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