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It was Saturday evening and the Guardian house was silent

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It was Saturday evening and the Guardian house was silent. Sebastian, Robin knew was down at La Push for another chance to see Leah and Xander was out in town grocery shopping. Caroline however was laid out on the couch her feet propped out on Robin's lap as she read a book. While Iris was sitting on the love seat her back pressed against the arm and her feet dangling off the other arm. The two kept stealing, what they thought were subtle glances to each other and Robin knew they were having a mental conversation. She felt kind of annoyed because she knew it was about her but didn't show it.

Her suspicions were confirmed when Caroline sat up and placed her book on the coffee table.

"So. When are you going to take the human on a date." Iris started a smile forming on her lips. Iris flung her legs off the arm of the chair and sat up properly on the love seat inching forward for Robin's answer.

"Her name is Angela."

"Okay. When are you going to take Angela on a date." Iris said.

"I don't know. I promised her we would take things slow." Robin replied.

"Before this goes any further I'm going need to know that you know what you're getting yourself into." Caroline sighed. "If you start a relationship with this girl and you fall in love you have to realise that you can never tell her about our world. And we're going to eventually have to leave which won't only hurt you but her too. Do you really want to go through that."

Robin froze she hadn't really thought about that. She hadn't realised how much pain could cause just by talking to a human.

"I don't know." Robin admitted leaning against her elbows that were firm on her thighs while she massaged her temples with her fingers.

"Caroline." Iris warned.

"What. I'm just trying to protect her from obvious heartbreak." Caroline defended.

"Your one to talk." Robin muttered.

"What is that supposed to mean." Caroline asked her eyebrows scrunched up in confusion.

"Nothing." Robin sighed after getting a look from Iris.

"No tell me." Caroline said. Robin and Iris both stared at each for a few seconds. It was their turn to have a mental conversation. Iris in defeat nodded.

"You talk about obvious upcoming heartbreak when you're the one blindly in love with one of your best friends." Robin explained. This just made Caroline even more confused.

"I still have no idea what you're talking about." Caroline said glancing from Iris and Robin waiting for more of an explanation.

"Xander. Caroline you're in love with him." Robin blurted, rolling her eyes. Iris sat in silence cringing when Robin finally explained and looked away when Caroline made eye contact with her. She was dreading the day when one of them finally told Caroline what they'd all already known.

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