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"Robin." Xander groaned glancing at her sleeping body on the couch. This was the third day this week she had stayed home from school. He had stayed back because once a week one of them had to write a report about the Cullen's activities for the Circle and this was his week he didn't know what her excuse was.

"Robin." Xander called again as she stirred opening her eyes.

"What." She asked sitting up from the couch, one half of her hair was stuck together sticking up towards the ceiling.

"I know you were going to spend the holidays sleeping all day but we have a job to do." Xander replied.

"What job. We've been here a week and we've barely looked at the Cullen's. Well except for Iris." Robin muttered leaning her elbow against the arm of the couch. Xander knew she was right.

"What are you avoiding." Xander asked. He also knew that Robin would never take a job lightly no matter how small.

"What are talking about." Robin faltered.

"I know you Robin, as much as you claim to hate being here I know you're tolerating it because it means we're helping people. So tell me, what are you avoiding." Xander continued giving Robin a look as she was about deny his reasoning.

Robin raised her eyebrow at him before giving up, she knew he would get it out of her one way or another.

"I kissed someone. No actually she kissed me, not that I didn't kiss back but that's not the point. We made out and then all of sudden she ran away from me." Robin explained leaning back on the couch.

"And you didn't think that talking to her would of helped." Xander asked.

"Ok course. I tried talking to her a few days ago and she just stared at me and walked away like she didn't I didn't exist." Robin protested.

"Wait a minute is this the same girl that's apparently your friend." Xander wondered his eyes wide as he waited for her response. Robin gave him a blank face before nodding.

"Caroline and Sebastian owe Iris and I $20."

"You guys made a bet on Angela and I." Robin asked slapping his arm when he started chuckling.

" Robin asked slapping his arm when he started chuckling

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"Yeah. We always do. I don't know if you know this but you're the worst with relationships - no offence - and it's fun betting on the outcome of them. Oh my God remember Nora from freshman year. That 'relationship' earned me $200." Xander admitted without guilt glancing at Robin who was glaring at him. He barely felt her slaps.

"How long did you bet we would work out." Robin grumbled.

"That's not important." Xander drawled cringing as he looked away from Robin. Robin scoffed, this time punching his arm. "So, are you going to stay home from school for the rest of the five months we're here.

"You're really unhelpful."

"What I meant was, you should try talking to her again maybe she was still in shock. Think about it from her perspective. A new girl comes into her life and BAM two days later the two of you are making out in the girls bathroom." Xander explained.

"Okay once again she kissed me. And two I never told you that we made out in the girls bathroom." Robin noted. Xander's smile faltered.

"Okay. Sebastian already told us why you've been moping around for the past two days." Xander blurted. "I had to know what I was in for. You know how you get when one of us tries to talk to you about your emotions." He continued after Robin gave him an 'are you serious look'.

Robin got up and started walking towards the stairs muttering a 'Is there no such thing as privacy with you four.'

"Not when you live with a mind reader. You're gonna have to face Angela eventually so... work on that." Xander called after her before reaching for the television remote he still had a while before Caroline, Iris and Sebastian got home and he had already sent the report to the Institute.



Iris was sat in her fifth class of the day Biology waiting for Edward to arrive. She felt unusually excited getting up this morning but she knew the reason why.

Edward and her had become friends in the last three days bonding over playful insults they threw at each other - well Iris playfully insulted him while Edward just laughed.

Edward strolled into the classroom walking to his seat next to Iris with his eyes never leaving the ground.

"Hey." Iris said. Instead of replying with a smile Edward ignored her his eyes strained towards the teacher who had started teaching.

Iris felt confused. 'Did something happen.' She thought because she knew he definitely heard her.

"Edward. Are you ok." Iris asked trying again to get his attention. Turning towards her he glared and swiftly turned back towards the front of the class. Iris's eyes grew wide before she rolled her eyes trying to play it off like she didn't care, but deep down she was hurt. 

'Maybe insulting him all day wasn't the best way to try and become his friend.' She thought. Straightening up her back she spent the whole hour trying not to cry. What the hell was going on, she had never cried over what anyone let alone a boy thought about her this bond was going be the end of her.

The hour ended and Iris sped walked towards the door while Edward sat at his desk for a few seconds before getting up with a sigh. 

Deja vu hit her as she came face to face with Caroline who wrapped her arm around her dragging her away from the classroom. Sometimes she was grateful they had a mind link.

Caroline came to a halt and Iris looked up to see her giving Edward Cullen the deadliest glare which stopped him in his track but instead of glaring back he glanced at both the girls once more and walked away.

Caroline came to a halt and Iris looked up to see her giving Edward Cullen the deadliest glare which stopped him in his track but instead of glaring back he glanced at both the girls once more and walked away

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Stepping forward Caroline got ready to go after him and was met with Sebastian's hand on her shoulder stopping her from walking. He shook his head towards her and led the two girls towards the parking lot.



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