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The group where all crowed in the living room with Robin and Xander watching a movie on the TV while sitting on either end of the couch. Caroline was sat on the carpet in front of Iris's feet with a book in hand, that she had borrowed from the school library a couple days earlier.

Iris had been sent home from the hospital a couple hours ago after a full body inspection from the Forks Hospital Doctors. She had been told multiple times how lucky she was to be alive and had kept to herself the reason behind her survival. 

She still felt surprised that Edward had done anything, especially because she knew that he could of exposed himself and his family by saving her from an accident that wouldn't of caused as much harm to her as it would have if she had been human. 

The worst part was that she knew she would of done the exact same thing for him even if it ended in her and her friends being found out. She knew how selfish that was, after only knowing Edward for a short amount of time as apposed to knowing her friends her whole life she would put them in danger if it meant that Edward would be safe and she hated that about herself. Which was why she was sat starring at the wall behind the TV hating herself.

"Iris." Xander muttered drawing her out of thoughts. "You Okay."

Iris nodded sending him a strained smile. "The movie has me hooked."

"She's confused about her feelings for the vampire." Sebastian said strolling into the living room from the staircase. Iris glared cursing at herself. Knowing what she was thinking Sebastian continued. "I don't have to use my powers to know what your thinking. Besides we all still have Caroline's shield up."

"Your in love with him?"

"No." Iris snapped. "I don't know."

"This isn't a bad thing Iris." Caroline said setting her book down besides her.

"Maybe he loves you, I mean he did risk everything so you wouldn't be crushed by a speeding van." Xander added.

"You shouldn't feel guilty for falling in love Iris, God knows you deserve it." Sebastian muttered. "

"You can't control the amount of love you hold for someone. Besides we all understand, not to say that we're fine with it, but we know that someday we'll have to deal with the same problem." Caroline said.

"She's right. You just have one more person to try and protect from everything." Robin said. "We know that if one of us was in danger you would do anything to help and that's all that matters."

Iris sighed glancing from Caroline to Xander with a look that read 'listen to yourself'. Instead of replying Caroline looked away focusing back on her book.

After silence had fallen on the group Sebastian cleared his throat from his position, he had his elbows planted on the top of the back of the couch peering over at Robin and Xander.

"What?" Robin asked pausing the movie that was playing on the TV for the second time that night.

"What?" Robin asked pausing the movie that was playing on the TV for the second time that night

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