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Walking through the halls Robin headed towards her second class of the day. Her last class had been loud. The students spent the whole hour yelling at each other from across the room, with the teacher at least trying to teach. 

She had sat with her head on her desk the whole time, a student tried introducing himself to her with a 'sup' but she looked up from her desk with a monotone expression and the boy backed away - his friends laughing as he sat down in his seat. No one else had the courage to talk to her after that. 

As someone who'd spent almost all her life not being able to use her magic for basically everything being thrust into the life of normalcy felt like everyday life. 

She was one of the very few Guardians who could time travel and though that was a gift it didn't necessarily help her during a fight against demons. 

Her and Sebastian had to go through extra hours of training when they first started attending the Institute when they were eight because their powers could cause unintended harm. She wasn't able to just travel through time whenever she felt like it. 

It was a matter of principle, her traveling could cause major changes to the world, some good and some bad but she couldn't tell which would be which. 

So her traveling was only to be used at critical times. To tell the truth, she had only ever travelled through time once in her life. She was eight, that was the first time she realised she had inherited magic from her parents.

Sighing she led her way to her class. "So much for isolation." She muttered rolling her eyes as she walked past humans who stared and whispered.

"You're definitely at the wrong place then. Here at Forks you're fresh meat especially if you move from a place like New York." A voice said letting out a small laugh. Glancing around Robin came face to face with a girl. She stiffened when her eyes meet the strangers.

The stranger mimicked Robin's reaction not sure what to make of the situation. Complete shock was evident on Robin's face. She was perfect. Her chocolate Dark brown hair matched her chocolate brown eyes that were framed with pale pink glasses. 

Black coloured jeans hugged her legs and a purple sweater was loose on her frame. Realising that they'd been stood in the same spot for a strange amount of time. Robin broke the silence.

"I'm Robin."




Caroline's second class of the day was English. Pulling out her new notebook and pens and placing them on the desk she sat down as her heavy breathing slowed. She had made it in two seconds before the bell because she ran through the halls in a human pace but none the less fast. 

The teacher hadn't arrived yet as well as couple other students, half the seats in the class weren't full. She felt like she had been slapped, she had run for no reason. As the minutes sped by more students walked into the classroom filling the seats. 

She noticed as they glanced at her and avoided the seat that was beside her. Caroline could only imagine how annoyed her other friends were especially Robin, she would be surprised if she wasn't sent home within the hour.

Caroline felt confused and concerned as she thought of Iris and her episode. She couldn't believe what had just taken place but she knew she was accurate there was no doubt in her mind - she had read all the books about the Cold Ones during the night before they left the institute as a safe keeping. 

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