T W E N T Y - S I X

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"Are these really necessary."Iris asked pulling back the barrel of a gun to refill it with new bullets . After it was full she cøcked it then turned the safety on.

The group were roaming the weapon's room in the basement of their house, coming up with an escape plan they could use against the Cullens incase their invitations to their home was a trap

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The group were roaming the weapon's room in the basement of their house, coming up with an escape plan they could use against the Cullens incase their invitations to their home was a trap.

It was the only way that Sebastian and Robin would agree to entering a house full of vampires - animal drinkers or not.

"Yep." Robin replied twirling a throwing knife between her fingers.

"When have Vampires ever invited human's into their home and not end up killing them." Sebastian scoffed. "I mean you I understand but why us."

"Edward said that they thought that Caroline and Xander where...." Iris said her voice dropping while Sebastian and Robin gave her looks drenched in sarcastic scepticism. "Nice."

"Okay that does sound unbelievable but I trust him." Iris shrugged.

"Lets just go over this one more time." Xander huffed. They had about two hours before Edward arrived.

"We go in and if there's any sign of danger Iris causes a subtle distraction with the electricity in the house and Robin gets us the hell out of there." Caroline started.

"Then we head down here and Caroline puts a shield around this room and we get ready for whatever they throw at us with these." Iris finished waving the bullet free gun around.

The weapons that guardians used visibly looked like any ordinary human weapons but they were made with material that could cut through any supernatural surface such as, the skin of the Cold One Vampires. The bullets were made with the same material and were drenched in liquid that caused pain to any being.

"Simple." Robin nodded.

"Except for the fact that we'll be disappearing into thin air if Robin teleports us out." Xander said.

"Well it's our only option, we'll need to cause a bigger distraction." Sebastian replied holding out his hand that was surrounded in flames.

They all nodded in agreement knowing what Sebastian meant.

Before leaving to get ready the guardians checked the weapons they had prepared secretly around the room in case anything went wrong.

"We'll be fine." Caroline sighed. "We've faced worse then a couple of Vampire's getting to know us."

"Technically they won't be getting to know us. We'll be lying the whole time." Robin shrugged.

"Only about the things that could hurt the mission." Caroline replied handing Robin a stray knife with a small smile.

They all headed up the stairs to their rooms to get ready for the day. Iris and Sebastian were the first to finish and waited in the living room watching TV while the others finished up.

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