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Iris was digging through her almost bare closet for something to wear besides black and grey training gear

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Iris was digging through her almost bare closet for something to wear besides black and grey training gear. This was the first event all year that didn't involve strategising or training. A loud frantic knock rang through her room.

Moving warily over to the door she opened it to find Sebastian standing there. He was looking kind of flustered and was slightly red in the face. "Can..." he hesitated. "Can I come in?"

"Sure." She moved aside for him and he perched himself on her bed.

"What are you doing here?" She asked moving back to fiddle through her closet again.

"Hiding from Caroline." He answered. "She wants to get me in some kind of designer clothing. Gucizi or something."

"Gucci?" Iris asked amused that she wasn't the only one having clothing trouble.

"That's it!"

They fell into a silence again. Sebastian was fiddling with a loose string on his shirt. He looked up clearing his throat. "So....why are you hiding out in your room." He asked.

Iris turned back towards him. Was she really that transparent? "Who says I'm hiding?" She asked.

Sebastian shrugged. "Usually you spend every minute you can with other people. I never thought of you as the introvert type." He leaned back. "Am I right?"

"Yes!" Iris threw up her hands . "I completely overestimated my fashion choices. I was sure I had something other then clothes to kill demons with in here but apparently I don't. I have nothing to wear."

"Same here."

"You overestimated your fashion choices?"

Sebastian shot her a look. "No! I left finding something to wear to the last minute and now I can't find anything. 98% of my wardrobe is full with black training clothes. The other 2% are sweatpants and pyjamas. " He fell back onto her bed letting out an exasperated sigh.

"I know what you mean." She continued plucking out the black belt she used to carry her katana in when going on missions and showed it to Sebastian. 

Iris was a badass katana wielding Assassin but clothes definitely weren't her strong sense. "Would this look okay?" She asked nudging her head toward a pair of black jeans and a white tank top that she had borrowed from Robin.

Sebastian studied it for a moment. "Yeah. A sequined headband would definitely tie it together, though." A horrified look passed his face. "....God!"

Iris laughed quietly. "I think you've been hanging out with Caroline and Robin too much. Their taste is rubbing off on you. I mean, sequined? Wouldn't of guessed you even knew what that meant."

He blushed looking away from her. Then he looked up definitely seeming brighter. "Hey. How about we help each other." He said, gesturing for Iris to come over. She flopped down next to him on the bed. "Got it?" He asked, after about a minute of explaining it to her. She gave him a 'thumbs up' and headed out of the room.

About ten minutes later Sebastian and Iris both arrived back in her room each carrying each other's clothes. Caroline had laughed when Iris said she'd be able to get Sebastian into a reasonable outfit if she lent her the keys to the costume room in the Institute music department, but had given them to her anyway. Caroline had been a little less enthusiastic about Sebastian picking Iris's clothes, but Sebastian managed to get her to agree without much violence.

Iris went into the bathroom to change, and Sebastian attempted to pull on the complicated mass of material. "Are you going to be okay with getting that on?" Iris had asked. "Yes" He'd answered. In the end when Iris had finished changing she had to help Sebastian. He'd managed to get himself stuck somehow. Then he decided he should help Iris with her makeup....

Caroline and Xander impatiently knocked on the door thirty minutes later. There was no answer only noise from the other side.

"Ow Sebastian, stop right now!"

"Iris, come on, I can fix it...Just, hold still?"

"No. You're making it worse!"

Xander merely cocked his head to the side in curiosity while Caroline practically knocked the door down. Xander was standing over Iris with the eyeliner in his hand and she had a hand over her eye. Tears were leaking out of the other which caused the makeup torun. He had poked her in the eye.

Sebastian turned and spotted Caroline who was staring at him, grinning. He dived for the bathroom slamming the door behind him. Iris jumped out of her chair, knocking it over and pointed violently towards the door. "Out!" She yelled. "Out, out out!" Xander and Caroline both took that as their cue to leave, hurrying out the door.

An hour later, Sebastian found Iris lounging on the couch in her pajamas with a bowl of popcorn. The others had left for the party, and Sebastian had said he wasn't in the mood to go besides it wasn't like it was their last 'End of the School Year' party they still had their junior and senior year left.

"Can I join you?" He asked from the doorway. She looked up for a moment, eyeing his non-party attire, before nodding and moving to make room for him. They sat in silence for a moment before Sebastian asked, "So I guess you're not going to let me do your makeup again, right?"

And she hit him with a pillow.



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