P r o l o g u e - Alexander

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Freshman Year

Xander and Iris were slowly making their way back towards the institute from the mountains that surrounded the school when they heard the emergency sirens erupt - that was when their pace picked up to a sprint. When they were in the sight view of the Institute they froze, their eyes clouded with surprise.

The protective shield that surrounded the Institute now had a giant hole ripped through it. Demons of all types clouded around the hole rushing in towards the classrooms that Xander hoped where empty by now. They where all appearing from the west side of forest.

Iris and Xander both knew that they had to find a way through the crowded heap of demons and into the safe house of the school also known as the Teacher allocated rooms - the most secure and protected part of the institute as well as the largest.

The pair were stood behind a tree popping their heads out to glance at the mess that was happening about 100 feet away from them. They had to figure out a way to get through with minimal fighting.

"We could try going deeper into the forest and cut off around wherever they're coming from." Xander said in a hushed whisper.

"What if there is no cut off, they could be coming from miles out." Iris replied.

"Well we can't fight our way through

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"Well we can't fight our way through. That would be suicide." Xander continued. His eyes were flashing from red to their natural green, the way they did when he was nervous, his powers where on edge or being used to a large extent.

Iris luckily had her katana clutched in her hand, her last class was a training session and she hadn't had time to return it to her room.

"Then I guess we should start moving." Iris said nodding towards the trees in the midst of the forest, they were sticking to Xander's plan.

They moved through the forest with speed keeping aware of their surroundings - the growls and snarls coming from the commotion they had just left behind could still be heard and the fifteen year old's hearts were beginning to quicken from fear.

It wasn't like this was the first time they'd been close to demons before - in they past they had been so close that they could feel their toxic breath on they skin but during those times they were on assigned missions with back up from their other friends. Now they where fending for themselves with no idea if anyone even knew they were missing.

Iris gasped after being jolted back by Xander merely missing the attack of a Sabnock demon. The creature stood with it's rippling decomposing flesh and two burning white eyes. Its hands were ended in flat points like the tip of a shovel, each with a single black, curved talon dripping with sludgy slime. Its slashed mouth was filled with teeth like shards of red glass dripping with blood.

Iris cupped her free hand over her mouth to contain a scream incase more demons were attracted. Venom that slid from the demons body was stained on her thigh on the edge of her shorts - the pain soared through her like water rushing down a fall.

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