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"What if we get caught?"

"By what. A bear."

"She's right we'll be far out enough that we'll be alone. The only thing that could potentially pass by would be an animal." Robin added.

"What about the Cullen's. It's the weekend what do you think they're doing right now." Sebastian continued.

"They're are smarter than we think. They wouldn't hunt anywhere near Forks. Stop worrying." Xander replied. 

Sebastian was always the one who would stop the group from doing completely reckless things which sometimes Xander loved him for but during other times he wished he would just let loose.

"I have to worry especially when I'm in a cluster full of reckless idiots." Sebastian joked raising his eyebrows at his friends who shrugged in reply to his insult.

"You don't think we see the way you've been acting since we got here. You're slipping." Robin continued watching as Sebastian gave her a small smile. 

Robin rolled her eyes smirking at Xander who nudged her shoulder acknowledging her sensitivity. Robin was usually daring with emotions that associated with anger and irritation but when it came to love and vulnerability she was hopeless, so this was a big improvement for her. 

Xander knew something was going on with her and would eventually confront her about it.

"Ok fine. Suppressing my powers has been like torture. And maybe having a break is what we need." Sebastian cracked. We all nodded in relation.


Minutes later the group was running through the Forks Forest with Iris in the lead

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Minutes later the group was running through the Forks Forest with Iris in the lead. She had always been the fastest. They had ran together multiple times sometimes away from danger and others just for fun and she had always taken the lead.

So. Where exactly are we headed. Robin thought. The group hadn't used their mind link since they left Eden. 

They thought continuously having conversations without moving their mouths would be suspicious in the eyes of the humans. Every cluster had a mind link it was what made them aware when one of them was hurt or in danger.

I'm not sure. We didn't exactly write out a plan before we left. Caroline continued.

I think we should just keep running. We're bound to find a field or something out here.

What if we get lost. Iris asked keeping her pace as the tree's zoomed past her in fast motion. This was one of things she loved most about her powers. The speed, it made her feel unstoppable.

Every Guardian had Speed and Strength as shared abilities as well as one or two singular powers that was their own. Caroline had her Shields and Enhanced Brain Capacity. Xander was Cyberpathic and had the ability ability to Manipulate Metal.

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