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Caroline stepped out of Robin's car with an initial plan in place

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Caroline stepped out of Robin's car with an initial plan in place. Walking towards their home she rose her hands and began forming a transparent shield around the house. 

This was her power - she had the ability to form Mental and Physical shields.  As an addition to creating shields Caroline had Enhanced Brain Capacity, she was able to remember anything she ever read with complete ease. 

Both her parents where Guardians, so she had obviously inherited the gene from both of them. Her parents had hoped that they wouldn't pass down their genetics to their child but as fate wanted it Caroline would eventually become a skilled fighter. 

Their thrill had been clouded by the danger they knew the Guardian life came with. After some assurance from the Head of the Institute her parents allowed her to attend.

Robin and Sebastian walked past her into the house with ease. They knew what she was doing by the force they saw radiating from her two hands and surrounded the house like a glove. 

Xander stood besides her until she finished and plucked her backpack from the ground as she led the way to the front door.

They walked in to Iris laying on the couch her head dangling off the edge with her eyes closed. Robin was sat on the carpet with the TV remote in her hand scrolling through the channels, she was still oblivious to what had taken place a couple hours earlier. 

Sebastian who knew, was waiting on the loveseat couch his knee bouncing up and down in anticipation.

Xander walked towards the couch and lifted Iris's feet took a seat and placed her feet gently on his lap. Sensing the vibe of the room Robin looked up from the Television glancing from Caroline who was stood leaning against Sebastian's couch - Sebastian, Zander and then Iris who had sat up with her feet still planted on Xander's lap.

"Did I miss something." Robin asked turning towards the group who were all facing Caroline. Iris spent the next minute explaining to Robin what had happened.

"All this during your first hour." Robin questioned. She thought that the next five months would be plain but apparently she was wrong.

"I know what happened. Iris you and this Vampire seem to have some sort of a bond." Caroline started. They all turned to look at Iris. She looked less surprised than she did pissed.

"What exactly do you mean by 'a bond'." Iris asked.

"From all the books I've read on the Cold Ones. They call itwell you. They call you his Mate. It's their way of finding a person they were destined to be with." Caroline continued.

"So. What. She's supposed to fall in love with this guy. Who is most likely a century of age." Sebastian urged glancing at Iris who had her eyes set on the TV.

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