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Alice and Caroline sat in Art class getting ready to complete the task given to them by their teacher. The two had to have portraits of each other drawn by the end of the period.

"So would you like to go first or should I?" Alice asked.

"You can go." Caroline replied shifting her seat so she was facing Alice. Alice moved her around more until she thought Caroline was in the perfect position for her to draw.

Alice was about ten minutes into her drawing before Caroline started talking. She thought she might as well take Xander and the Circle's advice and get to know Alice more.

"So. Where did your family live before Forks."

"We moved here from Alaska." Alice replied gently nudging Caroline's face to the left.

"Woah. Are you all attracted to the cold or something." Caroline said trying not to react as Alice's ice fingers brushed against her jaw.

Alice chuckled and nodded. "Why the sudden interest."

"I don't know I just thought I should get to know you more." Caroline shrugged which earned a look from Alice that read 'stay still'.

"Can I see." Caroline asked after Alice placed her pencil on the table. She handed her book over to Caroline and she smiled. Of course her work would be perfect she must of had years to practice. "This is amazing."

"Thank you. Your turn." Alice replied.

Caroline picked up her book and pencil and began drawing.

"Caroline." Alice said her eyes shining with excitement.

"Yeah." Caroline asked her voice hesitant.

"Rose and I were wondering if you and your friends would like to shopping with us this weekend. We could walk around and get our nails done." Alice suggested. Caroline let out a small laugh she doubted the invitation had anything to do with Alice's adopted sister from the description Xander gave to her about the blonde Cullen, she didn't seem like the inviting type.

"I don't think I would have any chance of getting Robin and Sebastian onboard." Caroline said. Robin, she knew wouldn't go because she wouldn't 'feel like it' and Sebastian never went anywhere unless he had to, him being the full time introvert of the group. "Iris I'm sure would love to and I could probably convince Xander to come. Although I don't think he would enjoy getting his nails done." Caroline finished and Alice let out small squeal.

"We can figure out something else to do." Alice stated.

"Well in that case. Sure." Caroline agreed. They sat in silence for the rest of the lesson. Caroline moved her pencil in graceful strokes across her paper as she continuously glanced up at Alice who sat straight against her seat with a smile.

Glancing up one last time Caroline's eyes landed on the window behind Alice and they grew wide watching small petals of white flakes fall from the sky. Snow.


Caroline raced through the halls of Forks High School, her cheeks flaming red as the cold breeze slapped against her face from her speed. The students that were left in the halls stared at her whispered non-stop but Caroline held her smile in place as she burst through the cafeteria doors with an exhale. Seeing her friends sitting at a far table she rushed to them.

"Why are you running." Robin asked, staring down the humans that still had their eyes on them.

"It's snowing." Caroline said. Her friends looked at her with confused expressions and Caroline sighed, she thought that would explain everything I guess she was wrong.

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