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A/N: Not my image. Naruto Anime not mine either, just Moriko-chan is mine.


"Nee-chan, it's you! I can smell you! Where are you!"

"Akamaru?!" I see my little canine brother through the trees as he runs up the road that leads to the village. Not far behind I spot a little boy with brown, spiky, hair chasing after him.

"Akamaru, why'd you suddenly take off? Mom, that must mean she's here!" Kiba yells behind him. He picks up the pace.

The road that leads into the village winds and turns up a small hill. Despite its loopy shape, it is actually rather long. The village is far up into the woods, unseen by most travelers. Took me a good minute just finding the road when I first got here.

"Wait, really? Fuyu's here? Come on, Mom!" I hear Hana's voice come from the woods.

Why did it just click that the village elder and Hana Inuzuka have the same name?

"Both of you slow your roll. That letter was ominous; we don't know what we're walking into. I only let you guys come because I know a few families that relocated here and felt it was safe enough to bring you along." Dr. Tsume's voice rings throughout the forest, and I hear the paddling of feet slow and then come to a stop. Even Akamaru slows down once he realizes Kiba's not following anymore.

So, she is suspicious of the letter.

Will she believe it's me?

What if I made the wrong choice?

Maybe I should've took my chance walking to the village

 and sneaking in with some travelers.

The Inuzukas gather together and walk side-by-side. Akamaru slows his pace to match theirs, however his sniffing becomes more aggressive, as does Dr. Tsume's as she walks.

"Smell anything, Mom?" Hana asks. Dr. Tsume nods after a minute and both her children light up like stars at the head nod.

"Could it be. . .it DOES smell like her. . .and also doesn't. . ." Dr. Tsume crouches low to the ground with Akamaru. Hana and Kiba follow her lead, though I doubt they memorized my scent like she did. They're just kids.

Akamaru sees the Inuzukas crouching down to smell and takes that as a sign to take off towards the scent of me."Nee-chan!!" he barks as he runs up the dirt-path.

I can hardly contain my excitement as I jump off the ground calling to him in canine-speech.

"Akamaru! Over here!" I bark, and at the sound of an answer to his call, he runs in my direction. As he reaches the sign at the front, he looks around, confused. He sniffs the ground once again. His nose leads him into the village, beside the first house, and stops right in front of me.

He looks up and I silently pray that he doesn't freak out.

"Nee-chan? Is that you? Whoa, I wanna learn that jutsu!" He barks and jumps into my arms, licking my face with vigor. "I'm so happy! You're back!"

"Akamaru, I missed you too!" I laugh as he licks my face and I try to pull him back off me a little. He stops for a moment, looking me square in the face with curiosity in his eyes.

"Even more than rice balls?" he attempts to growl in a serious tone. I have to hold myself back from laughing in his face as I hold him up to my face and match his serious gaze.

Fate Of the Wolf Goddess (Naruto Fanfic x ATLA aspects)Where stories live. Discover now