Meeting the Inuzukas

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A/N: Thoughts in bold Italics

I awoke to the sound of my growling stomach. I was hungry, starving was more like it. The memories of my search for food make me sick to my stomach, as I remember heading towards the rotting smell of my mother, the beast-fighting brothers with gold teeth and fucked up hairlines, Shisui and Lady Mikoto defending me, and the funeral I made for my mother. My stomach continues to growl and I almost heave at remembering that I actually intended to eat the rotting smell at first.

" Shisui?" Mikoto turns to the boy.

"Yes, Lady Mikoto?" He stops cleaning his weapons.

"How long do you think she laid there? A day or two?" she rubs my head gently, realizing I am awake.

"Who? Oh, you mean the she-wolf? Thats's my best guess too from the look of her. She didn't decay all that much but something was eating her, so that released the smell of rotting flesh once they opened her up and---" 

 Lady Mikoto lifts her hand to stop him from continuing.

"Sorry. Too much, I know." Shisui says a bit embarrassed.

"It's alright. I appreciate your attention to detail."

One of the guards in front announces, "We're home everyone. The gate is up ahead."

"So, this wolf pup hasn't eaten for at least a few days and considering the two rabbit carcasses that were beside the she-wolf, she was returning from a hunt as well. That means this poor pup is starving." Lady Mikoto reaches into the cart in the back and pulls out a small sack. She reaches in and pulls out a weirdly shaped object that smells like food.

 She reaches in and pulls out a weirdly shaped object that smells like food

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She begins to send one towards my face before Shisui grabs it from her.

"Forgive me, Lady Mikoto. Let me do it. She is a wild animal. Possibly even a chakra beast in disguise. She may hurt you." Shisui pleads with her. Lady Mikoto looks at him and then to me, pondering the decision.

Hurt her?! Oh no, those damn beast-fighters made them fear me! If they're afraid of me, where will they take me? They won't take me with them. I have to enter this little town of theirs. I can't go back into the wild when I haven't even learned how to hunt. I'll die!

I whimper and lick Lady Mikoto's hand, and try to make myself seem smaller, trying to be as submissive as possible. I curl my tail beneath me and lick my lips in anticipation for the food.

Lady Mikoto smiles and says, " Shisui, we both know this little pup is smarter than she looks. Remember the ceremony she made for her mother? I think she understands we won't hurt her and only want to help. But if you insist, you may feed her."

YES, feed me Seymour. I-I mean Shisui. I won't hurt anyone; I trust you guys. By the way, who the hell's Seymour?

I hear a scoff from one of the guards walking beside the carriage. "Hope she bites your whole hand off, damn Uchiha." He mumbles. Maybe they didn't hear it, but I sure as hell did, and I don't know what an Uchiha is, but it is what Riku and Gou called Shisui before they backed off, so it must be something scary only Shisui and Lady Mikoto can do to protect people.

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