True Strength

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Back in Shikkotsu


If it were anyone else watching the scene before me, I'm sure they'd wet themselves and run off screaming.

Moriko claims Isamu just has that effect on other creatures. She and I just made to Silver Falls and if it weren't for the fact that I was already used to seeing an enormous canine towering over me from time to time, this experience would be closer to that of my first time fighting one of Orochimaru's snake summons. He's far larger than Moriko's wolf form, and if we were back in the Land of Fire, I'm sure he'd be taller than the cliff where the Great Stone Faces are carved. He could easily rest his head atop it, I'm almost certain of it.

Horror stories about the night the Nine-Tails attacked say the fox spirit was rumored to be just slightly shorter than that, but he was hunched over destroying buildings in the story as well, so who's to say just how big it was? The trees in this forest seem to fit Isamu perfectly, size-wise. The only indicator I have as to how big he is, is when I compare him to myself and Konoha buildings.

Moriko stops her gallop through the woods just short of him and the falls. He stands on the water in front of the waterfall, which Moriko has told me is the entrance to their pack den. He certainly does look like a proud sentry guarding something precious. After the initial shock of his size wears off, I take in the other features that make him stand out to me.

His fur is almost pure silver, save a few gray streaks that reveal his age. The silvery look of his fur makes him appear almost metallic; almost like his fur is armor. I'm sure the idea would leave many to believe he is very strong even if they did not already get that from his body language and demeanor. When my gaze moves up to his eyes, I notice he's also been surveying me. We lock gazes, and as my dark eyes meet his grey orbs, something changes in his demeanor.

He seems. . . surprised with me. I can't tell if it's a good or bad surprise however, as he's better at hiding his emotions on his face and in his eyes than Moriko is, but it's still evident.

Is it because I didn't cower in fear maybe?

Or it could be he hasn't ever seen a human before.

What is it he wants from me exactly?

We continue to study each other, and it's at this moment I realize Moriko has been talking. I didn't hear the beginning of her speech, but she is now introducing him to me, and I learn his name----- Isamu.

That more or less means 'Brave.'

Did he earn that name becoming alpha, or was that his name from birth?

Do names have significant meanings here, then?

"Grandfather!" Moriko growls lightly at him, and I can feel the vibration through her fur. "Stop that! You promised you wouldn't go overboard!"

He snorts, breaking eye-contact with me finally and does a small dog-like shake. I'm confused as to what that means until I hear Moriko sigh. That's when I realize it's the equivalent of an eyeroll from her or me.

He doesn't say anything to her in return at first, then Moriko sighs again and replies, "Grandfather, no pack-link messages while he's here please. He can't hear you, remember?"

His mask slips again, as I see his eyes widen in surprise as he remembers something. At last, he speaks aloud, his voice low and deep. There's something. . . ancient about it, like the sound of his voice itself holds power. It's somehow quiet in combination with a sense of. . . duty? I can't explain it. It's unlike anything I've ever heard.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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