Mini-BONUS CHAPTER: Picture Time!

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The Uchiha family takes another photo. They took one at New Year's when Moriko was thought to be just a ninken.

This one is with Moriko in human form for the first time, right in the midst of Mikoto learning to help Moriko with her hair. So naturally after getting excited about dressing Moriko up, Mikoto paid for another photographer to come to their residence and paid for his silence of Moriko's existence as well to keep her safe per previous agreements with Tsume.

"Ready for our family portrait everyone? Come on now, hurry up boys!" Fugaku yells to his sons.

Sasuke comes racing around the corner, slamming into Itachi, who's just arrived.

"Whoa, slow down there Sasuke, you'll get hurt."

"I'm here! I'm ready!" Sasuke ignores the warning, smiling gleefully. He looks around and his smile quickly turns into a pout. "Where's Kaa-san? She's supposed to be here already." The boy complains, as he was excited to show his mother that he did his hair all by himself this time.

"Women always take forever to get ready, son." Fugaku ruffles the hair on Sasuke's head, only making Sasuke even more impatient and upset, as he just ruined 20 minutes of good, hard work. "Get used to that now, ya hear?" He chuckles. "Promise it's worth the wait though."

"Eh? But why? Why do they take so long? All ya have to do it get dressed and comb your hair. I don't understand Father." Sasuke crosses his arms grumpily. "It's just for a picture."

"Didn't you spend twenty minutes on your hair to impress Moriko-chan just now?" Itachi smirks, and Sasuke punches his older brother's arm in retaliation.

"I did it for ME. Not Moriko. And twenty minutes is nothing. I haven't seen Kaa-san or Moriko in three whole hours." Sasuke emphasizes. Itachi feigns hurt at the punch, and Sasuke sticks his tongue out.

"Ah ha, that's what cha get!"

Fugaku glares at them both.

"Act dignified in front of this professional photographer, boys. Mind your manners. No horse-playing. We have a reputation to uphold."

"Yes Father."

"Yes Father."

"We're here! Sorry for the wait boys!" Mikoto comes around the corner in her normal housedress and apron, making Fugaku raise a brow. He quickly lowers it as her eyes meets his.

"You look lovely. Let's hurry now and take the picture. This man has been patiently waiting for the past ten minutes." He reminds her gently.

"Yes, yes, we're ready now. And thank you, Anata, though I did catch that look."

He feigns ignorance. "No clue what you're talking about."

"This photo isn't for me, it's for Moriko. We've already had our new year's picture. Now here's a family photo with Moriko. Come on out hun, don't be shy. You said you liked the hair, right?"

"I do, I do! I'm coming, I'm coming. These sandals are just so uncomfortable. Can't I be bare foot? No one will see." Moriko complains.

"Now, now, I must insist on the shoes Moriko."

"Awww. . ." Moriko whines. "O. .kay. . ."

"MORIKO!" Sasuke shouts. "Come on already! Sheesh."

"Just for that, I'm walking extra slow just for you, Sasuke." Moriko calls out to him as she stumbles around the corner. The little Uchiha scoffs at her remark, but the moment she comes into view, his mouth drops to the floor.

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