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The gamey smell of rabbit stew that wafted the air was the first thing to wake me from my grief-induced slumber. I jumped up in fear out of habit, only to find that I was alone in the elder woman's hut. I stood in the same room as before, covered in several animal skins and blankets.

I guess she didn't want to wake me, so she let me sleep on the floor in here.

It's pretty comfy here anyways.

One quick glance and sniff around the room tells me that the elder woman is no longer in the hut. My stomach growls and I shake off the layers of blankets as I make my way to the fire pit, where the bowl of rabbit stew sits.

Oh, that smells so good right now.

I nearly dip my head down in the pot to eat, then remember that I have hands.

And fingers.

And manners.

Go find a bowl you idiot.

The kitchen in the elder woman's wooden hut was full of many strange-smelling herbs, tea leaves, rare bird feathers and various medicinal plants. They sat in cylindrical cases, boxes, and some even manage to look as if they grew right out of the floorboards.

Maybe they did.

She basically had a whole apothecary in the kitchen, if that what you can even call it anymore, along with one, giant medicinal book that lay displayed on her rickety countertop. The only reason I thought it was a kitchen was because of the presence of a sink with an empty wooden plate that smelled of bacon inside it, as well as a small icebox in the corner.

I opened the old-school baby fridge.

More medicine. Nice.

Maybe she doesn't live here. Maybe this IS an apothecary.

And she just happened to be here when I came.

Afraid to try washing the plate in the rickety sink that looked as if it were to collapse if I breathed too heavily over it, I decided to explore the hut a little more and push off breakfast to a later time. I find myself eyeing the hallway that leads off into another room.

I really shouldn't be snooping, but. . .

I run down the hall squealing with glee and stop in front of a door at the end. Opening it slowly and cautiously, I look only to find what resembles a patient room one would expect to see in the doctor's office.

This room has more of a 'modern medicine' feel to it, despite the patient bedding still being covered in animal skins. There's a small window to the left, no glass, but a stick to keep it propped open. I feel cool morning breeze as it blows through the window and into the room. A wooden table sits underneath it with another apothecary book and some rudimentary medical instruments. A small nightstand sits to the right of the bed with only a single vase, inside lies a small white flower.

Chrysanthemum flower. Someone died here.

I enter the room and stand in front of the nightstand, gazing at the flower. I bow my head in respect for whoever passed in this room.

Maybe I can ask the elder woman for one. For the Mei family.

Something gleams in the right corner of my eye, and I turn to face it abruptly, ready for another fight. To the right of the nightstand in the corner lies a full body-length mirror tilted to the side. The sunshine entering the room hit it at just the right angle, bouncing off and hitting my face.

Fate Of the Wolf Goddess (Naruto Fanfic x ATLA aspects)Where stories live. Discover now