Pain's Assault

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"Shikaku. Status report."

"Hai, Hokage-sama. Reinforcements from the Hidden Sand arrived late last night and have taken up post. Their militia force is disguised as citizens of the Leaf and the medics await your instruction."

"What's the report of civilian evacuation drills?"

"Many civilians are upset and even annoyed at the number of evacuation drills done in the past few days, but all have complied and are out of harm's way. The genin, women and children are in the tunnels behind the Stone Faces, whilst the elderly, retired shinobi, and other male civilians are in the newly constructed tunnels beneath the Leaf. There's enough rations for everyone to last down there for a month."

"Good to know. Let's hope it's not needed." And Tsunade stands up from behind her desk, turning to look outside the window. She looks down into the village below, watching the "civilians" go about their day.

"Inoichi. Any word from the patrol unit?"

"If by that, you mean if any regular reports are missing or if we've lost contact with them like predicted, then no. Not yet; all is still in the clear."

"They haven't arrived yet." She concludes. "Or rather, he hasn't."

"I still can't believe this." Inoichi says.

"What?" Shikaku and Tsunade ask in unison.

"That all of them. . . all of them are. . . her."

Tsunade smirks and Shikaku shakes his head.

"Yeah it's kinda hard to wrap your head around if you think on it too hard." Shikaku says, coming up to stand beside Tsunade, watching the fake civilians carry on below.

With the exception of a handful of disguised Suna and Konoha shinobi positioned in key spots within the village, every person walking around in the village. . .

. . . is a disguised Moriko clone.

Blood or shadow or water, you name it. Doesn't matter what the clone's made of, they've been running around disguised as regular citizens. Carrying out regular citizens' duties, interacting with merchants that have come to the village as if it's a normal day, and sticking close to them so that when the attack comes, they are protected.

"To think she has enough chakra to turn into the entire civilian population. . ." Inoichi mumbles in disbelief.

"Ha! That's what's bothering you? I'm more worried about what to do if she no longer allies herself with us one day. We don't have the means to imprison her or kill her." Tsunade laughs. "And though I doubt a day will come when she turns on us, one must prepare for the worst. But I can't do even that. She blinded herself and then grew back a new pair of eyes just a few weeks ago!"

"This girl is troublesome." The Nara sighs.

"Maybe for others." Inoichi comments. "But as long as we've got her on our side---"

"There are no sides, hun." Moriko pops up behind the two jonin, spooking them both. "There are just those who I choose to help, and those who can kick rocks. That won't ever be you guys, so don't worry. I plan on protecting you guys in the future."

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