Konoha Crush: The Aftermath and Itachi's return

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"Even the heavens cry for the old man. . ."

"That's how great he was. . ."

"Hm." Many grunted in agreement at the statements. Iruka and Naruto comforted Konohamaru as he stood in the front of the crowd, watching both shinobi and civilians of all ages walk up to place a white chrysanthemum flower on his altar. Sakura stood to the right of Naruto, and I to the right of her with my face covered in a mask Kakashi bought me, and a black hood to hide my hair. Sasuke was beside me and Kakashi stood behind the four of us.

Turns out that nothing I told Hiruzen helped. He still ended up using that jutsu.

The Reaper Death Seal.

Orochimaru escaped, though severely injured. I lost track of Kabuto during the attack on the village, so I couldn't track him. I spent days out in the forest after the attack, walking around, trying to track his scent. 

It just disappeared. He's good.

Too damn good.

Kakashi had a hand placed firmly on my shoulder during the entire service. Part of him is in mourning, yes, but I can tell by his body language that he's worried. He heard about the 'mysterious pack of wolves' that emerged out of nowhere to fight the Sound nin and Sand nin during the attack. I promised to keep a low profile, but that's kinda hard to do in battle.

I kept my face hidden, at the very least.

It can't be tracked back to me, however. I made sure to have all my clones leave the village and disappear into the forest once the attack was over. Only the jonin senseis that were present at the Hokage's meeting know it was me, and they're sworn to secrecy.

Despite Shikaku's lapse in judgement when changing the ambush plan, I know he wouldn't break a vow of silence to my exisistence. Same with Inoichi, especially after they both got on their knees and apologized all those months ago after I got out my coma.

If they were willing to do that without Hiruzen forcing them. . .

Then with Hiruzen's order, they definitely won't sell me out.

I suddenly had a strange case of deja vu at the end of the service and put on my dark shades in case I was hit with a vision.

I need to leave in case I lose control over the vision and lose consciousness.

"Where are you going?" Kakashi called to me as the service was ending and people were leaving or staying to talk about their fond memories of the old man.

The rain has ended, and the sun is peeking out from behind the storm clouds.

"I. . . something feels weird. I have to go. I'll be right back. . ." Team seven looks at me strangely as I run off into the village.

I feel sick to my stomach now.

Like a really big vision is coming.

Or one that looks far into the past or future.

I don't even know where I'm running.

 It just feels like---

I spot Konohamaru walking alone, silent tears streaming down his face. I slow down and watch him, silently.

The feeling of Deja vu strengths substantially, and then it comes. A blinding migraine that reveals information this time, instead of sending me into a vision.

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