Next mission is. . .?

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Sasuke POV

He. . . saved me.


How did I. . . lose to. . .

No. It was just luck.

He just got lucky.

"From now on, I'm following the way of Naruto!" The blonde idiot announces as we finish making "gravesites" for Zabuza and Haku.

"Why is this necessary again, if they're. . . not dead?" Sakura asks as the team overlooks Tazuna's small village. The bridge is finally finished, and after saying our goodbyes, Moriko told us to start heading back over and make gravesites.

And to contemplate what we learned on this mission.

That's when Naruto started talking about what it means to be a shinobi.

We're all tools to some degree or the other.

But it's more than that too.

Everyone has a goal to accomplish.

We are our goals.

I. . . am an avenger.

"Sakura, you've been strangely quiet." Kakashi comments after we turn to finally leave.

"Moriko. . .she. . ." The girl tightens her fists as we walk on.

"What is it? She's on her way, ya know. She said she had business to take care of in the vill-"

"So none of you are upset that she used us?! that she manipulated us like tools during this entire mission?!" She shouts, and we all stop walking.

"Sakura-chan. . ." Naruto tries to comfort her, but she smacks his hand away.

"You and Sasuke were in grave danger up against Haku. She knew about today's battle and didn't show up until the end---"

"She had faith in us, Sakura-chan, and--"

"She let you and I think Sasuke was dead for a while!" She shouts again, and her face turns red and puffy, like she's about to cry.

"So what?" My teammates turn to me.

"Sasuke-kun, how can you say that? You were at death's door! If she hadn't come when she did---"

"He would've been just fine." Moriko appears out of some bushes with a wagon pulled by one of her wolf-clones. In the back lies a giant animal-skin bag. "His recovery time would've been longer, but that's it."

Kakashi inspects the wagon and eyes the bag inside of it. "Moriko. . . is that. . ."

"Our payment. The village got everything back, plus interest for all the hell Gato's men put them through. This is what remains."

"Whoa! That's a lot." Naruto runs over and inspects the wagon with a big grin plastered on his face. "Gramps is gonna love this! Our first mission outside the village was a HUGE success!" Moriko smiles and high-fives Naruto.

"Hell yeah!"

"Hell yeah!"

"Naruto! How are you not upset with her?! She knew you'd have to fight Haku and that you and Sasuke would get hurt!"

"Well. . . yeah, but. . . we kinda knew that already, didn't we?" He rubs the back of his head awkwardly. "That's what we were training for."


"Exactly." Kakashi steps into the conversation. "I'll admit that Moriko threw me for a loop too, but we already knew that we'd face them both again after the first battle. And Moriko--" He turns to the wolfgirl, and she looks down as if in trouble-- "It wasn't very nice of you to keep that information from us. About Sasuke being okay."

Fate Of the Wolf Goddess (Naruto Fanfic x ATLA aspects)Where stories live. Discover now