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A/N:      As always, pic is NOT mine.


"That's so cool! Where do you think Junichi and Reiko are now, nee-chan?"

"In the mountains, hopefully. Or at least in the woods surrounding the mountains. Being what they are, it's hard to imagine a natural setting that benefits both species they represent. I just hope they're okay." I've been telling Akamaru about my journey to the Hidden Sand, and the beast-tamers with the underground beast-fighting ring. Dr. Tsume was a little surprised to hear the story, but not because of the hybrids.

Apparently, the Hidden Sand isn't doing so well, financially. Once she heard about the underground beast-fighting, she nodded to herself as she came to an understanding.

"That must be one of the ways they've been scraping by. Illegal chakra-beast fights and trading. They let the bastards set up shop underground, and in return, they get some of the profit. That's probably why you saw a few shinobi there. They were there to collect profit."

"That does make more sense." I mumbled to myself.

We've been walking for hours now, Hana and Kiba kept asking me more questions like, "What's your favorite food?"  "How about your favorite color?" "How's it feel when you change form?" "You can move the earth without chakra?!" "What else can you do?" among many other things. Once Akamaru got a chance to ask a question, I happily obliged. . .

In wild wolf-speak. Akamaru says there isn't really a name for the language, just that there's a difference between dogs speaking to dogs, dogs speaking to wolves, and wolves speaking to wolves. Small differences of course, but if you don't know the differences, it'll sound like speaking in code.

"They did that on purpose in the beginning, so that when canines speak to each other about good hunting places, other packs couldn't decipher where. That was hundreds of moons ago though, before some wolves grew into dogs. Now you can just learn it from someone who's willing to teach it to you." Akamaru said.

"Wow, that's some history with our language. I'm glad you taught me. It's very important to know your history. You're really smart, Akamaru!" I told him. He wagged his tail in response. "I know! Mama Tsume says I'm smarter than Kiba sometimes, isn't that cool?"

Dr. Tsume overheard and once we locked eyes, we chuckled at the inside joke.

"Did Kiba do something foolish while I was gone?" I asked her after we stopped laughing.

"That's a loaded question. I guess you could say he had some training trouble with Akamaru, and his ninken was succeeding at a faster rate than he was. I called him on it and he's been never better since then." She tells me.

"That's a little embarrassing for him, you know."

"He'll be fine. He knows how I am with him." She waves the comment off with her hand. "Besides, who says you won't meet canines with human level intelligence? Certainly not you?"

I laugh, "Yeah, not me. I guess he'll be fine then." The sun begins to set, leaving the sky in an array of colors; orange, pink, red, and even a dark violet. The gates to the Hidden Leaf come into view, with two guards standing at the entrance. Akamaru barks happily at the sight and the Inuzuka siblings sigh.

"Finally, we're here!" Kiba announces. Hana smiles at him and catches him in a headlock, giving him a nuggie with her dominant arm. "Not so loud!" she laughs. Kiba breaks free and chases Hana towards the gate. It becomes a race halfway and Akamaru joins in, eager to help Kiba win.

Fate Of the Wolf Goddess (Naruto Fanfic x ATLA aspects)Where stories live. Discover now