Not how I remember it happening. . .

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"You'll come with us. Back to the Hidden Sand." Gaara says, outstretching his hand to me, and the only reason I can focus on his voice is because of his scent.

Gaara found me in Sasuke's apartment on the floor, in a tearful rage.

I tore up the floorboards, looking for the scroll I had sealed away with my blood once I got back to the village. The team I was assigned with encountered no threats. The mission was more or less peaceful, unless you count the lord crying and whining about how long the journey was.

We're escorting you across the fucking country. By carriage, no less.

And this young lord, after seeing me, actually tried to ask my teammate how much I cost.

Wanted me to be part of his "endless" stream of concubines, no doubt.

Offered a lot of money to the Hidden Leaf for me, saying that he knew about the Hidden Leaf's current financial struggles. Said he'd be doing us a favor.


I was so sick to my fucking stomach. Not to mention, I was head of the mission. I planned the safest route across the Land of Fire, since I knew the forests so well. The other three shinobi with me were under my command. Lady Tsunade made it so that I was in charge of the route, while the others were there for guarding. I had disguised myself by making myself look older; around mid-twenties since the lords were expecting jonin as their escorts.

My team was made up of men, but they were young and 'wet behind the ears' in terms of their jonin status. Han, one of my teammates, told me that this was his first escort mission of this caliber; he was very nervous. Most of them spent the majority of their time as jonin going after rogue nin.

They were so nice and sweet, probably too afraid to say anything to the pompous young lord about his inappropriate language and behavior.

They kept giving me apologetic glances each time the lord opened his mouth. I waved them off, letting them know there was nothing they could do about it. I kept having this weird feeling of deja vu the entire trip, like something big was going down.

But since I was on a mission where the lord was watching me like a hawk, with his creepy ass stare, I couldn't go into a vision to check and see what was happening. He had me at beck and call for just about every damn thing.

I intended on reporting on the lord back to Lady Tsunade. I know she won't stand for this, and this'll probably be the last time we escort him anywhere. The scroll she gave me on him told me he was a new young lord. His father had just died, and he took up the mantle in his place.

Jackass was probably a pompous playboy who stayed out partying all night on daddy's money. Now that his old man kicked the bucket, he's forced to take on duties he never wanted so he could keep his lifestyle. Dude's not even all that rich compared to other lords in the region for him to be acting like he can get away with the bullshit he pulled on the trip.

To make matters worse, I got my first period on the way back to the village after the mission ended. No cramps yet, but something tells me a werewolf's cramps are gonna pack one hell of a punch.

Yay womanhood.

I mean, I'm happy and all but. . .

. . . yeah.

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