READ:*****Good Announcement/Update!*****

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So only a couple people voted on whether or not I should continue on to Shippuden.

I already decided that I would, but wasn't sure how I'd go about it, like just jump straight into it OR add fluff OR add visions OR extra missions to further deepen relationships, etc.

Most relationships with characters are pretty good I think, but I do want to add more. . . but I also want to listen to my readers. . . so here's my verdict:

I will take the option number 2) and jump straight into Shippuden without ending this novel!

Yay feedback!

I'll go with what the audience is craving, I think it'll be more interesting that way too.

HOWEVER, I will occasionally have chapters that date back to OG Naruto. I never finished telling y'all exactly how Moriko died in her 1st life, and I'm sure some of you are wondering. . .

Did she escape the island before her death?

Did she help others escape and become a Harriet or go it alone?

Did she kill Jumbo? Or Crop? (I hope she did. I hope she ripped off their motherfucking---)

Did she ever encounter Big Blue?

And HELLO, what happened to Starla?!

Her memories haunt her, and I want to emphasize just how much they do and explain why she asked the goddesses if she could keep them despite her tragic end.

I'm so excited for everyone's glow up and increased battle strength and change in attitudes in Shippuden, though! Especially Sakura's! And Tenten's!

They did Tenten dirty y'all, really nerfed her. I can't wait to show you guys what I have in store for them!!!

****squeals happily in anticipation and then stops once roommate looks over at me like I'm a maniac or reading porn*****

***I glance back and smile, not bothering to answer the questions in her raised eyebrows before turning back to my computer screen and typing merrily away*****

Mine yo business ho.

Psych, I don't have a roommate anymore.

I moved out, she was giving me weird vibes.

So, while I will be jumping into Shippuden, not everything will be Shippuden related in the beginning.

PLUS: There will be intimate scenes in Shippuden between some characters.

Maybe smut/lemon, I haven't decided.

YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED, so don't come for me. There's a reason I labeled this as mature.

I have a few bonus chapters ready before I finish my 1st Shippuden chapter, so I'll post them soon!

(Give y'all a little something to read while I work on the Shippuden chapter.)


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