Don't Fall Asleep

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"Something isn't right."

"Oh, come on. Quit being such a sourpuss, Sasori my man. It's a good thing that we got in here so easily."

"No. It isn't." He growled at his annoying, blonde companion.

"Pfft. Whatever. You said it's been what? Ten? Twenty years since you've been back home, right? That guy. . . Yura was his name, right? You put that seal on him and he worked just like he was supposed to. Got us past the security. Now you're mad that it worked?" Deidara shakes his head.

"Just hurry up and get what we came here for." Sasori hisses. "You know I hate to be kept waiting. Especially now. This place. . ." He trails off.

"What? Bad memories? Aww, are you gonna have a nightmare? Need your teddy---"

Sasori, or rather his puppet Hiruko, swiped his giant mechanical scorpion tail at Deidara, who dodges it with ease. He laughs and replies with, "Quit being so uptight. I've got this in the bag, Sasori my man. This is gonna be a piece of cake."

"It's too quiet." Hiruko/Sasori says. "The village is never this quiet."

"Oh? Not even in the middle of the night?" Deidara smirks.

"Just shut up and listen."

They both stand at the entrance to the village. They've already made it past the gate and now are standing along one of the many paths in the village. The lights are on in a few shops and a local bar is open, with music and laughter coming from the windows. A man is passed out in front of the bar, his shirt stained with sake. Further down the road, the lanterns on each shop are lit, with some being open, others closed. A couple whispers to each other, the woman giggling into her partner's shoulder as he wraps his coat around her.

Deidara shrugs and goes digging into his clay-pouch. "Seems alright to me--- wait a minute." He stops and eyes the couple walking a few steps ahead of them. He narrows his eyes at the pair, then moves on to look at the drunk.

"You see it, don't you. . ." Hiruko/Sasori says.

"Yeah. . . gotta admit, your village is quite remarkable." The blonde smirks. "But they're not all that crafty. It's a dead giveaway once you look hard enough."

"Says the moron who almost didn't notice."

"W-Well I did notice! I was just waiting to see if you did too. Hmph."

Hiruko scoffs. "Amateur. Just like your art."

The couple heading towards the night bar stop walking. "NOW!" The woman announces, and the men in the bar rush outside, surrounding the Akatsuki members. Even the drunk gets up, shedding his stained clothes for Suna jonin attire.

Soon an entire brigade of Suna shinobi stands before the pair.

"They were all undercover shinobi." Hiruko states the obvious to Deidara who grins.

"Well, I have to give it to them for trying." Deidara laughs as he pulls out a small clay bird that begins growing rapidly in size.

"Watch out for his clay! It's explosive!" Baki shouts from afar. He is atop a building with Konkuro, directing shinobi along the perimeter of the village to start chanting.

"They're creating a barrier!" Hiruko growls. "Deidara, you imbecile!"

"How is this MY fault?!"

"Just get what we came for, already. I can handle these shinobi."

"FINE!" Deidara huffs as his clay bird finishes growing and he turns to it, ready to hop on and take flight.

"Archers at the ready! Don't let him into the air!" Konkuro shouts.

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