Kakashi the new dad

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One month after formation of team seven:

I woke to the sound of pounding on my door. The first time it happened, I reacted like shinobi normally do when there's someone at the door to your house that's hidden away in the heavily wooded area of the village:

I treated it like a potential threat. Snuck out of bed, created a shadow clone to answer the door, while sneaking out the back of my house to the woods. I circled around my house from the woods, checking my traps set along the perimeter as I made my way to the bushes in front of the house. The bomb seals were still in place around my house and ready to be detonated at a moment's notice as well.

What I saw, or rather who I saw had me baffled.

It was Moriko. In her training hoodie.

My mental clock and the positioning of the stars told me that the Sun still had a few hours before it rose up, and this was the team's day off.

And I'm positive she knows that.

What on kami's green earth is she doing here?

My clone's reaction had me confused as well, as he appeared startled and worried. Her back is to me, so I can't see her face, but one look at Moriko and my clone ushers her inside quickly.

Something's wrong.

I jumped up immediately and, after checking my surroundings once more, sprinted across the clearing to head back into my house. My clone was dispersed upon my arrival, and that's when I got the rest of the story from his memory:

"Moriko? What are you doing here? There's no mission or training tomorrow."

"Hey. . . um. . . can I... stay here for a few hours?" Moriko answered to my clone. Her head was to the ground, hood over her head and mask on as well. Upon further surveying, she appeared to only be wearing the hoodie and some shorts, not the usual training getup.

It was almost as if she was in a rush to come over here. . .

"E-Excuse me?" My clone answered, surprised at the little kunoichi's question.

"T-This was stupid. I w-wanted t-to go for a run, but the guards at the--- *sniffles*---gate at this hour don't recognize me and w-won't l-let me leave." She stuttered out, and when my clone pulled her chin up to get a look at her face, that's when he appeared startled and worried.

She was crying.

Full-blown tears were streaming down her face.

I've never seen Moriko cry before. She's so. . . headstrong.

Something did happen.

Moriko's eyes were full of shame, and I could tell it took a lot out of her to come here.

My clone ushered her inside without another word.

***End of clone's memory recap***

Moriko was sitting on the floor in the corner. She had switched to her pup form and balled up in the corner of the room, whining quietly. I grabbed the kettle and started boiling water for tea.

From what my clone's memory shows me, she appeared to be uninjured when she came to the door in human form. Her wolf form seems unharmed as well.

"You appear uninjured. Is Sasuke okay?" I ask the safest question, knowing that whatever happened could be a family dispute between the two, but I highly doubt that's the case. They tease and insult each other, sure, but their relationship is different than what Sasuke and Naruto have. They don't actually fight each other to prove who's better. They spar simply to 'let loose.'

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