Forest of Death: Gate 15

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A/N: Do y'all remember what team was at gate 15? Hmm?

Guess before you rewatch the episode.

I think it's like the 27th episode.

Anyway, enjoy!



"Alright! Interviews are over everybody, let's line up for your Heaven or Earth scrolls. Make sure you signed that consent form! I don't want your death on my hands!" Anko Mitarashi, the second proctor of the chunin exams made her announcement.

It was the second morning of the chunin exams. After the psychological test with Ibiki yesterday, I waited outside the building in full human form for the rookie nine to come out.


"So. . . how was it? Ibiki really messed with your brains, huh? But I'm sure you all did great!" I smiled and try my best to not seem worried about the next few days.

"What a drag. I kinda wish you could've warned us about him. I understand why you couldn't, though." Shikamaru strolls out the building lazily, arms behind his head as he glances up at the clouds. I asked him and his team to wait until the rest came out, so I could tell them the news.

"Yeah, we would've missed the whole point of the exam if you did that." Tenten commented. Neji and Lee followed out behind her.

"I'm glad you see it that way." I told her.

"Tch." Neji walked right past me and said nothing else.

"Fate is not set in stone." I whispered as he passed, but he just kept moving.

"Neji, wait up!" Lee ran off after him.

"Sorry about him. He still has some trouble with. . . well, all of this, I guess. Hard to believe sometimes." Tenten said apologetically.

"It's cool. He'll get what's coming to him. And it'll be a good thing, so no worries." I think to the vision of Naruto and him fighting. "I'm not the one who can change his mind, but he'll meet someone who can real soon."

"Oookay. . ." She says, and I laugh, knowing my words sound cryptic.

"Sorry, I know that makes little sense. Can you tell him and Lee not to leave yet? There's something I have to tell everyone."

"Nee-chan!" Akamaru jumps off Kiba's head and comes running over to me.

"Hey little brother, how was it?"

"Awesome! I helped Kiba cheat!"

"That's wonderful!"


"Hey Cinnamon girl! How was it, Hinata?"

"It was a little intimidating, but I kept calm the whole time." She said in a proud whisper.

"That's great!" I gave her a big hug.

"What are we standing around here for? What else do you have left to tell us? Can you hurry it up so we can go?" Neji crossed his arms and tapped his foot.

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