Chapter 1

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*Aria's P.O.V*

I dug into my breakfast, a bowl of Bibimbap that Lexi had made. I took a bite, relishing the taste of the rice with the fried egg and mixed vegetables. She had offered to make breakfast this morning and I was glad I had taken her up on her offer. I was normally the one who made breakfast for the both of us since she normally slept in.

"See, you always say I can't cook," Lexi teased as she sat down across from me.  I rolled my eyes as she dug into her breakfast.

"Yes, I know that you can cook," I stated as I kicked her under the table. I lifted my legs up before she could kick me back.

"Brat," she muttered as she shook her head. "So what are you doing today?" she questioned. I shrugged as I thought about it.

"Going to the mall maybe," I said as I ran a hand through my long, silver hair. It sometimes still shocked me when I saw it and had forgotten that I dyed it. I probably only forgot because it was kind of an impulsive thing. I took another bite of my breakfast as I sighed softly.

"Is it because my mothers are coming over today?" Lexi asked as she raised an eyebrow. I nodded my head since my mouth was too full to answer. "You know, eventually you are going to have to sit down and talk with your parents," she stated.

"Yeah but that day is not today," I retorted as I shook my head. "Anyways, give me your card," I said as I held my hand out. She smacked my hand and it hit the table, making me wince. I pulled my hand back as I pouted.

"Give me one good reason I should give you my card?" Lexi asked as she looked at me. I huffed softly at her question as I drummed my fingers on the table.

"Because I'll go out to the club with you tonight and you can have the apartment to yourself for the entire night," I stated which made her eyes light up. I didn't like going out that much but Lexi liked going out sometimes. She never really got to go out because it was kind of an unspoken rule that you don't go out alone at night especially to bars and clubs.

"Promise?" she questioned as she looked at me with a smile threatening to take over her face. I nodded my head as I checked the time, finishing my breakfast rather quickly. I took my bowl to the sink, filling it with hot water and some dish soap before I scrubbed it clean. Once I was done doing that, I rested the bowl on the drying rack.

"Now where is your card?" I asked as I looked over at her as I dried my hands off.

"Purse," Lexi said simply as she gestured to the living room. I headed to the living room and found her purse on the couch. I searched through her purse and found the card, tucking it into my back pocket. "Don't get murdered or kidnapped," she called as I grabbed my shoes by the front door.

"No promises," I retorted as I grabbed my keys off the hook that was next to the door. I tucked them into my front pocket before I slipped on my shoes, opening the door and stepping outside. I rested my hand on my back pocket as I walked, just to keep confirmation that the card was still there. I knew the likelihood of it falling out of my pocket was low but I wouldn't have peace of mind if I didn't keep checking it was there.

The mall was as busy as usual, packed as it always is on the weekend. I stepped onto the escalator, heading up to the second floor.  I didn't really have a plan for what I wanted to buy except for a new dress.

I went to a little boutique that was tucked in the back part of the upper floor. It used to be an unknown little place but had become much more popular in the last couple years. It was my favorite place to shop, I could always find a dress that I liked there which was almost impossible anywhere else.

I headed to the back of the store, not feeling like talking to any of the employees. I was on good terms with all of them but the noise of the mall was starting to overwhelm me. As much as I loved going to the mall and shopping, I hated all the noise that accompanied. I always ended up getting overwhelmed and ended up breaking down for a couple minutes before continuing with my shopping.

I was so consumed in my thoughts that I ended up running into someone, stumbling back as I snapped out of my thoughts. "I'm sorry," I apologized quickly as I glanced at the woman that I had run into.

"You're fine," the woman said. It took me a moment to register her voice and I recognized it almost immediately, Athena Adair. It was hard not to when she was one of the things the news loved to talk about. An interview had been on last night about her, not that I was paying attention. I certainly did not have a crush on a woman that was all over the news.

"You're Athena Adair," I said, regretting it once I realized I had just pointed out the obvious.

"I am. And you are?" she asked, arching a perfectly sculpted eyebrow. A shiver ran through me as I stared into her dark brown eyes.

"Oh... I'm Aria Ahn," I said simply as I smiled nervously.

"Any relation to the Ahn family business?" she questioned. I nodded before I could stop myself, cursing myself when I realized that I had just admitted to being related to the family that I hadn't spoken to in years. "Well then I trust you know how hard it is to get privacy from the public," she stated. I immediately understood what she was saying.

"I won't tell anyone that I saw you," I promised, which earned a small smile from the woman.

"Thank you. I suppose I'll see you around then?"  she asked. I smiled as I nodded my head quickly, earning a small chuckle from her. "Well I can't wait," she said as she waved to me before leaving.

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