Chapter 24

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*Aria's P.O.V*

When we got back to the apartment, I raced Athena up the stairs. She had indulged my wanting to race with a small smile. Once I reached the top of the steps, I made my way to the apartment. I was surprised to see Adonis standing there.

"I thought you had to work," I said simply. I moved past him to unlock the apartment door.

"I did, I finished it. No thanks to Athena," Adonis chuckled. Athena had only just reached the top of the stairs. She huffed when she saw Adonis and I giggled softly. I moved inside, leaving the door open so that they could come inside.

"Here I was hoping that Adonis would leave me alone," Athena chuckled as she entered the apartment. I sat my bag down on the couch as I pulled the llama toy out. I tucked it against my chest as my hand stroked the top of the llama's head.

"You wish I would leave you alone," Adonis muttered as he followed her inside, shutting the door behind him. It was dark in the living room and I moved to turn on the light. My cheeks flushed when Athena beat me to it, my hand touching hers which was already on it.

"I've got it, little one," Athena said. I nodded my head after a moment as I pulled my hand away. Her words were so soft and I liked being called little one, it made me very happy. I grinned slightly as my other hand clutched my llama tighter.

"Cute llama toy, what else did you get?" Adonis asked. I felt my cheeks darken at his question as I moved back to the shopping bag.

"A blanket and bottle," I muttered as I picked up the bag, moving to take it to my room.

"Would you like me to wash your bottle for you?" Athena offered. I shook my head quickly at her question, a small frown on my lips. It was my bottle, no way was I going to let her take it for even a second.

I took the bag to my room, taking the bottle out of the bag. I set it behind my lamp on my bedside table, hiding it there. I took the little blanket of the elephant and pulled the tag off before hiding it under my pillow. My llama toy I still had in my other hand since I didn't want to put it down.

I did eventually decide to sit it down, right on top of my pillow. I didn't want to hide my llama toy, the only hiding places that I had were in the dark and what if it was scared of the dark? I patted the llama on the head before I went to the living room.

"Would you like me to make you a snack?" Athena asked softly. I nodded my head slightly, not feeling up to speaking all of a sudden.

"How about we go outside little one?" Adonis offered. "It might be good to have some fresh air," he suggested. I nodded my head after a moment. He offered his hand and I took it hesitantly, feeling his larger hand gently hold it.

I led him outside, looking at him for what to do. He reached into his pocket and showed me a rainbow bouncy ball. I took it after a moment with a small smile.

"Mine?" I asked softly, curiosity in my eyes as I looked up at him.

"Yes it's yours sweetheart," he stated. I grinned at that, my hand closing around the bouncy ball. "Let's go downstairs before you start bouncing it," he suggested.

"Okay," I whispered as I nodded my head, moving to the steps. Adonis chuckled as he moved to follow me, staying close as I hurried down the stairs. I let go of his hand once we reached the bottom of the steps and started to bounce the ball on the ground.

I just kept doing that and walking back and forth at the bottom of the steps. Adonis was keeping an eye on me while also making sure that I wasn't blocking the stairs for anyone else. I wasn't paying him much attention though, I was having too much fun bouncing the bouncy ball.

I didn't know how much time I spent walking back and forth before it felt like something switched in my brain. It was like someone had switched on a light switch.  I suddenly felt very small but I couldn't figure out why.

All of a sudden I wanted to make a rhyme for when I bounced the bouncy ball so with each bounce I was thinking of another word. Adonis was watching me with a soft smile as I walked back and forth, concentrating on the poem.

The little red fox ran over
The glen to say hello to Missus Hen.
Missus Hen said "how do you do Mr. Fox"
Cause Mr. Fox was wearing his fancy socks
And if he's wearing his fancy socks
Then he must be going to the rocks
And if he's going to the rocks
He's going to see his friends.

That was as far as I got on the poem before my mind went blank. So then I just kept repeating it so I wouldn't forget it. I also tried to bounce the bouncy ball six times in a row because when I asked myself that's how old my mind said I was.

I squeaked when Adonis tapped my shoulder and I missed my grab. The bouncy ball rolled away and I scrambled after it. Once I picked it up, I turned to pout at Adonis.

"You made my bouncy ball roll away," I huffed softly.

"I'm sorry little one, I didn't mean to do that," he said gently.

"Well don't do it again mister," I stated.

"I won't darling," he said. "Athena finished making your snack," he informed me.

"Okay," I said simply as I turned to bounce my bouncy ball. I huffed when Adonis caught it before I could.

"Snack first and then you can play," he informed me.

"Fine," I whined as I stomped up the stairs, hearing him chuckle at me stomping my feet. He was so boring, I just wanted to play.

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