Chapter 25

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*Aria's P.O.V*

I plopped onto the couch, still sulking over the fact that Adonis had taken my bouncy ball. He was a meanie for doing that even if he said I could keep playing after I ate my snack. I kicked at his legs when he walked past, turning my head away when he glanced at me.

"Did you just try and kick me?" Adonis asked. I shook my head quickly, fiddling with the couch pillow that was next to me. I heard him sigh as he crouched in front of me and I reluctantly looked at him.

"'ou deserved it," I muttered as I brought my hand up to my face. I had a bad habit of biting my nails when I was anxious and I was very anxious that he would be mad at me.

"You wanted to eat a snack baby, I was only just making sure that you got to eat it," Adonis said simply. I shook my head at his words, still sulking at his meanness for making me come inside. He wasn't my boss, he couldn't make me come inside when I didn't want to.

"Meanie," I huffed. Adonis shook his head as he turned his hand over. I reached for the bouncy ball that was in it, huffing when he turned his hand over before I could grab it. "Give," I demanded as I tried to pry his fingers off of it.

"If I give you this, you have to promise you won't bounce it inside. You could break something and get hurt," Adonis stated. I huffed at his words, pouting slightly. It was my bouncy ball, I could bounce it wherever I wanted. However I wanted the bouncy ball so I decided it would be better to agree to a rule that I had no intention of following.

"Yeah, okay. Give," I said as I continued to pull at his fingers until he gave it to me. I grinned happily as I rolled the ball between my hands for a moment. I turned away to tuck it behind my leg as Athena exited the kitchen.

"Here darling," Athena said as she handed the plate to me. I took it happily, looking down at my snack. I hadn't really asked for anything in specifics but it looked very good. It was some peanut butter crackers, some thin slices of cheese, a cut up apple, and a tiny piece of chocolate.

"Fank you," I said around a peanut butter cracker that I had stuffed into my mouth. Athena wiped the crumbs off my mouth and I whined. "Was saving those," I muttered after I swallowed the cracker.

"Well I'm very sorry then," Athena said as she handed me a napkin. "Don't walk with your mouth full though," she stated.

"I didn't," I informed her as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"I watched you talk with your mouth full," Athena pointed out. I shook my head as I picked up an apple slice, taking a small bite from it.

"No, you imagined that," I said after I swallowed my bite of apple. I stuck my tongue out at her when she turned to look at Adonis and froze when she glanced at me out of the corner of her eye.

"Watch the brattiness," Athena stated as she rested a hand on my head. I shook my head slightly as her hand ran through my hair and I immediately relaxed. Her nails just barely scratched across my scalp and I leaned forward, wanting more. I nearly spilled my plate and Adonis had to grab it before everything could fall off.

"Have fun with that," Adonis said as he sat the plate down on the living room table before moving to sit on the couch. Athena seemed confused by his words for a moment before she moved to sit next to him.

"No," I whined as I grabbed her arm before she could sit next to him. "Sit with me," I demanded as I tugged her back to stand by me. Adonis chuckled as he scooted over to make room so that she could sit next to me.

"Aria, you can ask me nicely to sit next to you," Athena said as she looked down at me. I shook my head at her suggestion. Asking wasn't any fun, not at all.

"Sit," I patted the couch. I held eye contact with her for a few moments before breaking. She didn't seem to blink or if she did she did it whenever I blinked. "Please," I added eventually and she sat next to me.

I sighed as I crawled into her lap, picking up my plate from the table. Athena chuckled as I cuddled into her, nibbling on one of my apple slices. I felt tiny for some reason. She just felt so much larger than life and all I wanted was for her to hold me.

"Are you my itty bitty baby?" Athena asked. I shook my head with a pout on my lips. I was not a baby, I was just feeling tiny. That was all.

"I think you are," Adonis said as he reached over to smooth my hair back. I swatted his hand away lightly, cuddling into Athena.

"Not baby," I muttered into Athena's shoulder. I realized I had left my bouncy ball where I had been sitting and leaned over to get it, whining when a cracker slid off my plate and onto the floor.

"Oh you poor darling," Athena said as she kissed the top of my head. I sulked some more as I hid my face into her shoulder, continuing to pout.

"Fix it," I whispered softly as I looked down at the floor. I had gotten my bouncy ball but I had lost a cracker. That wasn't a fair trade.

"Darling, it's on the floor and you still have more," Athena said. For some reason her words did not soothe me and in fact upset me. I felt the tears fall down my face at her words. They had upset me and I didn't quite know why. "Oh sweetheart," she sighed as I buried my face into her shoulder, not able to stop the tears that fell down my face.

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