Chapter 33

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*Aria's P.O.V*

I lower myself into the bubble bath, immediately letting myself sink below the bubbles before I surface again. I take a small breath, letting my soaking wet hair cling to my skin. I hated how it felt but I had made the choice to submerge myself so now I had to live with the terrible consequences.

I sigh softly, feeling sleepy already even though I had just eaten a bunch of ice cream. Sometimes I just got very sleepy without any warning at all. I rest my head on the side of the tub, just letting the warm water make me feel more sleepy.

I just stay like that for a bit before I sit up, deciding to actually wash myself off. I grab my washrag, taking time to actually carefully wash myself. Normally I just tried to hurry up when washing myself off but I wanted to enjoy this bath and not rush through it. I doubted Mommy would want me to rush through it either.

I hum to myself as I scrub my skin, humming a little tune to myself as I think about how nice it was to have a Mommy and Daddy again. It had been so long since I had anyone I could call that, I had stopped calling my parents that ages ago.

Thinking about my parents made me sad again, so I try to make myself not think about them. My plan doesn't work that well, seeing as trying not to think about them only makes me think about them more. I frown as I shake my head, trying to ignore the fact that they're in my head even though I don't want them to be.

I finish scrubbing myself, hastily washing my hair. The shampoo kind of smells like kiwi but I kind of like the smell. I liked the smell of it a lot so once I'm done shampooing my hair, I let the bubbles I've formed just sit in my hands for a minute as I smile slightly. I was definitely taking some of this shampoo with me once I went home.

I lean back, dipping my hair in the water as I start to wash the shampoo out. My hair feels so silky and smooth as the water runs off of it, knowing that feeling will soon disappear once it starts to dry out. I know it will start to tangle quickly so I try to get out of the tub as fast as I can.

I nearly fall with my quickness, a rug outside the bath tub the only thing that keeps my feet from slipping out from underneath me. I nibble my bottom lip, standing there for a moment as I reach for my towel and start to slowly dry myself off. I sigh after a moment, wanting to make sure that I'm fully dry before I dress since otherwise my clothes would be soaking wet.

I slip on my new underwear, my unicorn pajamas quickly getting slipped on. The pajama top is a little baggy around my stomach and the shorts feel a little too big so I have to tie the string as tight as I can so they don't fall off.

"Done," I say, nearly running into Mommy when I open the door since she's actually really right outside of it. She smiles when she sees me, cooing at me as she kisses my cheek.

"Well don't you look just adorable," Mommy says as she grabs my hand, making me do a small spin for her. I grin happily, giggling when she doesn't stop spinning me until I feel dizzy. I squeal when she stops spinning me around, scooping me up into her arms as she covers my face in kisses.

"Mommy, stop it," I try to push her away but she just holds me closer and smiles slightly. I pout, trying to get away from her. She keeps me in her arms, carrying me over to the bed where she meanly tosses me onto the bed. I squeal in protest, trying to wriggle away but Mommy is very quick to flop down on the bed with me and hold me close. She covers my face in kisses, holding me close.

"Mommy, I tell daddy that you being mean," I huff as I try to squirm away, eventually giving up on her letting me go. I grumble slightly, hiding my face into her shoulder as she keeps me tucked up against her.

"I think you're feeling sleepy," Mommy taunts me, a clear challenge as she kisses my cheek. I shake my head, disagreeing with her very severely. She chuckles, her hand rubbing my back as I stay cuddled up against her. I could wriggle away however I don't really want to leave her embrace.

My eyes shut, staying closed for a while as Mommy just holds me. She eventually shifts so that she is sitting up, carefully pulling me into her arms. I whine softly, burying my face into her shoulder as she rocks me slowly.

"So sleepy, my baby is so little and so very tired. Mommy knows," Mommy says, making me want to argue. I wasn't little and I wasn't tired! She was just making that up for no reason at all! It simply wasn't fair.

I keep my eyes closed, deciding to fake sleep until Mommy leaves me alone. However, my genius plan fails when I find myself actually drifting off to sleep. I whine, trying to open my eyes but they won't cooperate at all.

I whine when Mommy lays me down, pulling the blanket over me and tucking me in. She kisses my forehead before I feel the bed move and realize she's getting up. A small whimper escapes me, stopping when something is pushed into my mouth. It's rubbery and kind of weirdly shaped.

"There we go, a matching paci for my little unicorn," Mommy coos, making me realize that she gave me a paci. I didn't want a paci! I would tell her that...once my eyes weren't so heavy.

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