Chapter 19

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*Aria's P.O.V*

Adonis drove me home, obviously feeling bad that Athena had snapped at me. He tried to apologize for her but I didn't want to hear it. It wasn't his job to apologize for how his wife had snapped at me.

My mood wasn't improved by the fact that it had started to rain. When I stepped out of the car, the wind buffeted my body, the cold rain hitting me right in my face. I shivered as I forced myself not to run, not wanting to slip and fall. The last thing I needed was to break something and end up in the hospital.

I made my way up the stairs, having to cling onto the railing to avoid being knocked down the stairs. The stairs were slick already and I slipped once but managed to save myself from falling down the stairs. I silently begged whatever gods that were above that Adonis hadn't seen because that would have been so embarrassing for me.

I made it back to Lexi and mine's apartment, frowning when the door was locked. I sighed as I reached for the spare key that hung around my neck, undoing the clasp of my necklace so I could unlock my door. As soon as I unlocked my door, I stepped inside the apartment, shutting the door behind me. I turned around quickly to lock the door before I looked around my apartment.

It was clear that Lexi wasn't here, seeing as she had actually picked her stuff up. She always picked her stuff up when she was going to spend the night elsewhere. I shook myself off, taking my shoes off and placing them by the door. I moved to my room, double checking her room to make sure she wasn't there.

I stripped once I was in my room, throwing my now soaking wet clothes into the dirty laundry hamper that I kept in my room. I then searched for a new outfit, ending up deciding on wearing red and black striped pajama pants and a light pink tank top. Sure, none of it matched but it wasn't like I intended on going out.

I picked up my phone, which I had sat down on the edge of the dresser before I got undressed. I sent Lexi a quick text, just to see what was going on. 'Where are you staying tonight?' I asked.

'A friends, he's leaving the country soon so we decided to spend as much time as possible together,' she responded. I huffed as I threw myself onto the bed, turning over onto my stomach to get comfortable.

'Impossible, you don't have any friends,' I responded with a small smile on my lips, knowing that I would either be getting a very short or very long response to that. My phone dinged and I quickly looked at it.

'Fuck you,' was all Lexi sent and I burst into giggles. She always broke into profanity when she was annoyed. I wondered what I was going to eat for dinner. Normally Lexi made dinner and I made lunch. A small grin crossed my lips as I rolled off of my bed, hitting the floor and then jumping up.

I ran to the kitchen, nearly slipping and falling into a puddle that was by the kitchen entrance. I turned suddenly to stop myself and ended up hitting my knee on the doorway. I hissed in pain before deciding it was nothing to cry over. I went to the freezer, opening it up to look for what I wanted.

Normally Lexi and I rarely ate frozen food but I didn't feel like cooking and there was a pepperoni pizza in the back of the freezer. I grabbed the pizza, moving over to the air fryer. I ripped off the plastic packaging and then opened the air fryer door. I slid the pizza inside before fiddling with the temperature and time then pressing start.

I grabbed a glass that was sitting next to the sink, thankful for the light above the sink that kept the room illuminated. I filled my glass up with water, taking a few heavy sips of the water as I leaned against the counter. I plugged my phone and then propped it up against the wall, pulling up a video to watch.

I was in the middle of watching the video when the timer for the pizza went off. I went to turn off the air fryer but found I didn't have to as the power ended up flickering off. I was now surrounded in darkness, my fingers clutching my glass. I moved back to my phone since it was still lit up, moving to unplug it.

I turned the flashlight on my phone on, moving to unplug the air fryer. Once that was done, I went ahead and got my pizza out. I moved it to the counter, the cardboard underneath the pizza burning my hands. It was hard to cut one handed but I also didn't want to cut the pizza in the dark.

I grabbed a plate and put two slices on it, moving back to the living room. I knew we had nothing to light any of the candles that we had, Lexi had been griping about it for weeks now. I would have to live off the light on my phone but I also couldn't let my phone die.

I took a bite of my pizza, ignoring the sound of the storm that was outside of my apartment. I twitched slightly when something slammed into my door, stopping as soon as it started. My phone lit up with a message and I clicked on it.

'You okay? This storm is pretty bad.' Athena had texted me.

'Yeah, apart from the fact that my power has gone off and I hate the dark, I'm doing great. How about you?' I responded. I felt being a little sarcastic was okay seeing as she had snapped at me. Athena didn't respond again after that and I found myself a little disappointed. I was a little lonely right now and even though I was mad at her, I was desperate to have someone to talk to.

I ended up sitting in the dark to finish eating, just to save my phone battery. I forced myself to eat as slow as possible since I didn't have anything else to do once I was done eating. I frowned when there was a knock on my door. I stood up, moving over to the door. I checked the peephole and frowned when I saw someone standing there. I sighed when I realized who it was and I unlocked the door.

"What are you doing here Athena?" I asked as she stepped inside, clearly soaked from the rain.

"I didn't want you to be alone all night, it will be a while until the power comes back on," Athena said as I shut the door behind her. The room was bathed in darkness once again and I heard her shift slightly. "I apologize for snapping at you little one, the topic was a sore one but I had no reason to get mad at you for my carelessness in leaving that book out," she said. I nodded my head before realizing that she couldn't see me.

"Okay," I murmured, squealing when she suddenly hugged me. "Stop it, you're soaking wet," I said as I tried to squirm away, giggles escaping me.

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