Chapter 32

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*Aria's P.O.V*

I whine when Daddy takes away my bowl of ice cream, despite what was left just being a melted mess that I was playing with and not at all eating.

"Come here," Mommy holds out her arms and I let her take me, my sticky hands resting on her shoulder and arm as I turn to look at Daddy and stick my tongue out.

"Watch that tongue little missy or else it may stick out so much that it just falls off," Daddy warns, making my eyes widen as my tongue quickly goes back into my mouth. No way was I going to let my tongue fall off.

"We need to clean you up Aria, you're practically ice cream yourself at this point," Mommy says as she pats my bottom. I squirm as she holds me, trying to get comfortable in her hold as she carries me out of the kitchen. We pass by Auntie Emma who is looking very happy and smug.

"What have you done?" Mommy asks as Auntie Emma coos at me.

"Little Lexi is going to be staying the night with me," she says, making me pout. Lexi was my cousin, I didn't want to have to share her even with Auntie Emma.

"Is she? By choice or by bribery?" Mommy asks, making Auntie Emma huff.

"Both of those would be by choice," Auntie Emma says as she rolls her eyes, making me giggle. It was true, it would have both been by choice.

"And it isn't my fault that she wanted to see some of my newest designs. Or that I offered to let her try them on. Nothing to do with that at all, I assure you," Auntie Emma says, making me pout. I wanted to dress up, it wasn't fair that Lexi did and I didn't!

"Wanna dress up," I murmur as I look at Mommy, earning a small smile from her.

"You can after we dress up, I have plenty of dresses for my baby to wear," she says as she sways me slightly. I smile happily as I nuzzle into her, sighing contently. I just get ice cream all over her clothes but she doesn't seem to mind.

"Lexi is waiting in the car for me. Bye darling, you behave. Or don't, I don't have to deal with you if you act up," Auntie Emma says as she kisses the top of my head before leaving. I watch after her, letting Mommy carry me upstairs so that I don't have to stare at the door after Auntie Emma.

"So...bubble bath? Or shower?" Mommy asks, making me shrug slightly as my fingers slip into my mouth. Mommy tugs on my hand slightly, a small pout on my lips as I like sucking on my fingers and she's trying to stop me.

"I need an answer baby," Mommy says, a soft huff escaping me as my fingers slip out of my mouth.

"Bubble," I say after a moment, a nod of her head was her only response.

"I'm going to let you take the bubble bath alone as I don't know how comfortable you'll be with me helping you once you're big. However I'll be right outside the door the whole time if you do end up needing me," Mommy states. I frown at that, understanding why she was doing that but I didn't like it right now.

"Right outside?" I ask, wanting reassurance before I agree to take a bath all alone.

"Mhmm, I'll be right outside the door," Mommy promises. I nod as she carries me into a bedroom, taking me straight to the bathroom. She sets me down, turning on her heel and leaving. I follow after her, watching her go to the closet.

"What doing?" I ask as my fingers stay in my mouth, my words muffled.

"Getting you clothes baby," Mommy says after a moment.

"Hey baby, do you want to wear regular underwear or a pull-up?" Mommy asks after a moment.

"Underwear, I thinks," I say, making Mommy chuckle.

"Well you can wear underwear and if you have an accident then we'll just get you a pull-up," Mommy says, opening a storage container that's put back in the closet. I hear plastic rustling before she brings over a pack of underwear and a pair of pajama shorts with a matching shirt.

I squeal when I see the shirt that has unicorns all over it. I try to take them but Mommy holds them above my head.

"Your hands are filthy and I'd rather you not get your clothes all dirty," Mommy says, making me pout as I follow her back into the bathroom. She sets my clothes down on the counter, going to run the water for my bath. I stand by the counter, staring at my pajamas with wide eyes. I want the unicorn pajamas on right now, it wasn't fair I had to wait.

I look at the package of underwear, seeing several different kinds. I like the pink ones with flowers on them. I point at them, looking at Mommy.

"Mommy...Mommy," I start to repeat myself while she's busy trying to pour the bubble bath solution into the tub. "Mommyyyyy," I whine, smiling when she turns to look at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Want the pink ones with flowers," I tell her, picking up the package so I can show her.

"Of course baby," Mommy says as she pours the bubble bath solution into the water. I abandon the clothes to go look at the bubbles that are forming. Mommy moves to the side, pulling out a towel and setting it on the edge of the counter.

"Here is your towel, I'll leave you to it," Mommy says. I turn around, squealing when she rubs my face with a wet washcloth. She scrubs my face off, despite me trying to squirm away before she does the same thing with washing my hands off. I glare at her the whole time, happy when she's done as I point to the door.

"Out, Mommy go," I say as I push at her arm. She chuckles as she leans over to turn off the water, before leaving the bathroom, laughing louder when I shut the door and lock it behind her.

"Don't make a mess," Mommy calls through the door, making me stick my tongue out at the door even though she can't see me.

I was going to make a mess if I wanted, she couldn't possibly stop me from doing that. I start to undress, planning on playing with my bubbles and having so much fun!

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