Chapter 22

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*Aria's P.O.V*

Athena apparently didn't have to go back to work so she decided to continue shopping with me. I was fine with that because it meant that I could make her do the shopping that embarrassed me. She seemed to find my embarrassment amusing because she said I had nothing to be embarrassed about.

However all I could think was that someone would know that the bottle and other stuff we intended on buying was for me. Athena assured me that no one would know as she led me further down the baby aisle, looking over the stuff. I hid my face against her shoulder whenever someone passed.

"My darling, I promise that no one knows that this bottle is for you," Athena whispered against the top of my head. I shook my head and she chuckled softly, picking up a Winnie the Pooh pacifier. "What do you think?" she asked.

"Aren't they kind of small for me to use?" I questioned quietly, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Well yes but they can just be temporary, I can order you ones that are better suited for adults," Athena said, her voice still a whisper. I nodded my head in understanding as I picked up a little llama toy that had a pacifier attached to it.

"Here," I handed it to her quickly, my cheeks burning.

"My darling, you must calm down," Athena said as she had nearly dropped it when I had shoved it into her hands. "Take a deep breath for me," she said as she set the stuff down on a shelf, grabbing my hands gently.

I took a deep breath, slowly inhaling as my eyes closed. Athena squeezed my hands gently, her thumbs rubbing the back of my hand. I let the breath out slowly, my eyes opening again.

"Good girl," she said quietly, making me smile slightly. She still hadn't let go of my hands so I was quite content to just let her hold them. She continued to hold them for a few more minutes before letting go.

I pouted slightly when she did so, letting her pick up the stuff again. I hid my face against her shoulder and she laughed softly.

"Darling, you're just working yourself up again," Athena said. I shook my head at her words, a small frown on my lips. I was not working myself up, I just liked the smell of her perfume. I couldn't name the scent but something about it was just so comforting.

Her hand gently ran through my hair, gently working through some of the tangles that were in my hair. I let her do it since apparently I had missed them when brushing my hair. My mind started to wander as she hummed softly.

"Is Adonis busy?" I asked curiously.

"Very, I left him my share of work to come get my coat back," Athena laughed softly. I giggled at that, knowing that Adonis was probably very unhappy about that. Another thought hit me and I pressed my lips together into a frown at the thought.

"Should you be here? I mean the paparazzi are very fond of following you," I whispered.

"Unless they know how to drive like my driver I have no fear of them having followed me. If someone calls them that would be a different story," Athena said. "Either way, it doesn't much concern me if they find me. Do you not want to be seen with me?" she asked teasingly.

"The last time I was with you in public, my family found out that I was still in the city," I said simply.

"They did not know?" Athena asked as she raised an eyebrow. I shook my head with a small frown on my lips.

"We don't get along, I haven't seen most of them in years. I saw my aunts a bit ago and they said my parents wanted to see me," I said quietly.

"Well regardless of whether you decide to see them or not, just know that I will always be here for you," Athena said as she cupped my face. I nodded my head slightly as I leaned into her hand.

"Pinkie promise?" I asked as I raised my hand, sticking my pinkie out. Athena smiled slightly as she set the stuff back down and she raised her now empty hand and interlocked our pinkies together.

"I pinkie promise," Athena said as she smiled slightly. "You are just so adorable," she said.

"And with that I'm done, I shall pass away here," I said simply as I dramatically leaned against the shelves. I considered just letting myself fall to the floor. However the thought of germs made me stop and just lean against the shelves instead.

"Why is that?" Athena asked curiously as she picked the stuff back up.

"Athena Adair has called me adorable, I'm pretty sure that's almost everyone's dream," I said simply as I straightened back up.

"I'm sure," Athena laughed as she rolled her eyes. "Look, there's baby blankets. Go pick one out darling," she encouraged.

"I will," I said simply as I skipped down the aisle, stopping at the blankets. It took me a long time but I eventually picked out an elephant themed one. Elephants were one of my favorite animals. Meerkats were my most favorite animal but there was never anything about them. There was only one show dedicated to them and it was called Meerkat Manor.

"You have your blanket?" Athena asked behind me. I nodded my head slightly, letting her take my hand. Now that I had actually started to look around the aisle, I didn't really want to leave. Athena chuckled softly as she led me out of the aisle despite my whines.

"Athena, I'm not done," I pouted.

"I know but if I leave you in that aisle I think you'll buy everything there," Athena chuckled. "You can come by soon and we can look online alright little one?" she offered as she went to the self checkout.

"Fine," I crossed my arms over my chest as I pouted, watching as she scanned the stuff. I went to pay but she swatted my hand away with her card before paying for it. "Athena," I whined.

"Aria," she said back, mocking my whine. I pouted even more at that as I followed her out of the store. I was so going to get my revenge for her mocking me.

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