Chapter 20

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*Aria's P.O.V*

Athena helped me set up a bunch of candles all over the living room. I didn't necessarily like the smell of a bunch of candles burning but it seemed necessary to have a bunch of candles to see in the dark. Athena sat with me as the storm raged on, listening to the sound of thunder.

I didn't like the sound of thunder but I did like laying with Athena. Her shoulder was so comfortable to lay on especially when I was sleepy. She lifted me up once I was almost fully asleep when she carried me to my room. I felt her lay me down and tuck me in before she left the room.

I could only imagine her doing that a lot if we kept being friends, she seemed to like treating me like I was younger then her. Which of course I was but she treated me like a child. It was kind of nice, she seemed to always be ready to comfort me and drop everything. She had even apologized profusely for snapping at me earlier.

I was still curious about age regression though so once she left I got my phone out. I pulled up a blog about age regression, reading it for a while before I inevitably fell asleep. My phone was resting on my pillow when I fell asleep.

When I woke up though, I found that my phone had been put on my bedside table. I got up, leaving my room to go find Athena. She was already up and around, having made herself a cup of tea while she read a book. I went to her, climbing onto the couch and resting my head on her shoulder.

"I saw what you were looking at last night, interested in learning more about age regression?" Athena asked, gently combing her fingers through my hair. I nodded my head slightly, looking up at her with half-lidded eyes.

"Yes Athena, now tell me more," I demanded dramatically as I draped myself over her lap, looking up at her with a smile. She tickled my sides and I squealed, sitting to look up at her with a pout. "Don't tickle me woman," I said as I swatted her hands away with a huff.

"You are a brat," Athena laughed as she crossed her legs, making my head lift up slightly when she moved before I got to lay it back down. "So what would you like to know more about specifically?"  she asked.

"Caregivers, tell me more about what they do," I said simply.

"They care give," Athena said, laughing when I glared at her. "Well that is their main thing, they give care. The care differentiates usually depending on the age of the regressor," she said.

"What age do you think I would be?" I asked curiously, making her furrow her eyebrows as she looked down at me.

"I'd say probably four, maybe younger," she said after a moment. I hummed softly as her fingers combed through my hair.

"So how would care go for that then?" I asked curiously.

"Well first we would have to talk about expectations. What you want out of having a caregiver and the expectations I have of a regressor. Then we would have to talk about rules," she said. I frowned at that, pouting softly. "Something I think you would struggle with," she teased me.

"I am an angel," I retorted as she tapped the tip of my nose, making my eyes cross to look at her fingers. "What kind of rules do you have?" I asked.

"Well some of my standard ones are that I would like for the cursing to be kept to a minimum, if it slips out that's fine but I don't want any purposeful curses. I also expect honesty because I can't care for you if you're not being honest," she asked. "After that, the rules differ based on what each little one needs. Some needed me to enforce that they eat at least two meals a day or needed me to make them sit down to focus on stuff they had to have done," she stated.

"What about me, someone who has nothing to do all day?" I asked.

"Well, that would depend on what you want to get done for the day. I base what I expect off what you think you can get done," Athena said. "Then we have the rewards and punishments," she said.

"Punishments?" I asked curiously.

"Depending on what my little one is comfortable with, we do timeouts, spankings, losing privileges like getting to have game time for the day. As well as anything else we agree on that fits the punishment," Athena said.

"And rewards?" I questioned quietly as I tilted my head slightly.

"Well a later bedtime, extra dessert, going to whatever store they want and picking out something special," Athena said simply. "I have many rewards for my little ones, I just don't always write them down," she stated.

"Being a regressor sounds nice," I said after a moment as I hummed softly.

"Does it?" Athena asked. I nodded my head slightly. "Well if you ever want to try regressing, I would be honored to watch you," she stated.

"You should be honored to get to watch me," I said with a giggle. Athena laughed as she poked me in the side. I squealed as I got up, pouting at her. "Do not poke me," I said simply as I swatted her hand.

"Don't swat me," she said as she grabbed me, pulling me onto her lap. I squealed as I tried to wriggle away. "Apologize," she stated as she tickled me.

"No, you're a meanie," I said as I stuck my tongue out at her. I squealed when she started to tickle me even more and I managed to wriggle away.

"I am not mean," Athena asked as she let me go. I ran to the kitchen, spinning around to stick my tongue. She got up, chasing me and I spun around slightly to try and get past her. She lifted me up and I tried to struggle away with a whine escaping me.

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