Chapter 13

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*Aria's P.O.V*

I ended up texting the Adairs a little bit later in the day. I wanted to talk to them about me being in the news because I didn't want them to think that I was purposefully trying to keep it from them. Well I was trying to keep it from them but I was trying to keep it from everyone. I didn't know if telling them that was reassuring though. Instead I just sent a text explaining that I had personal reasons for not telling anyone that I was the missing child of the Ahn family.

When I didn't hear back from either of them after an hour, I accepted my fate and decided to move on with my life. Were they probably just busy at the moment? Yes. Was I going to assume that they abandoned me? Also yes. So I was greatly surprised when I got a call from Athena about three hours later, around mid-afternoon.

"Hello," I said hesitantly, hearing a noise in the background that was kind of muffled.

"Hello Aria dear," Athena said, her voice slightly chippier then normal. I  couldn't tell if that meant that she was mad at me or not. "I got your text," she stated. She said nothing after that and I waited for her to say something. When she didn't say anything else I did admittedly get a little impatient.

"So are you mad at me?" I asked after a moment with a small frown on my lips.

"I'm going to be completely honest with you Aria. I have no idea what your text is about," Athena said after a moment. I let out a sigh of relief, feeling both annoyed and happy that she had no clue what it was about.

"You haven't seen the news today?" I asked softly. I sort of wondered if she was tricking me but that wasn't like her as far as I knew.

"Nope, I rarely watch the news. I saw the photos of us together because of Adonis watching it but I left right after to get to work early," Athena said. "Should I ask Adonis what you're referring to?" she questioned.

"Probably, my text would make sense if you knew the context," I muttered, running a hand through my hair. I heard her end of the phone go silent so I assumed she muted me since my phone hadn't made the noise that meant she had hung up. I paced my room nervously until the phone unmuted.

"So Adonis explained everything to me and I'm not mad. I don't know why you assumed I would be in your text," she said.

"I thought you may think that I was trying to keep it a secret from you," I muttered.

"Well yes but it's quite clear that you were keeping it a secret from everyone. Therefore I can understand why you kept it a secret from both of us as well," she said with a small hum.

"Okay that's good. I'm glad you're not mad at me," I said with a small smile crossing my lips. "Can I facetime you?" I questioned. I felt hopeful that she would agree since I missed seeing her. I rarely made friends with people so the fact that I was already so close with her said something.

"Of course darling, give me a moment to get to someplace more private and then I'll facetime you," she said.

"Okay," I smiled softly as I moved over to my vanity. She hung up after a moment and I sat in my chair. I pulled my makeup out, deciding I would do my makeup while we talked. As soon as Athena's name popped up, I pressed the answer button.

"So what are you up to?" Athena asked as she propped her phone up against something. I also set my phone up, propping it against my vanity mirror.

"I'm going to do my makeup," I answered as I pulled out my eyeliner. "Well sort of, I'm just going to draw stuff on my face really," I shrugged my shoulders as I pulled the cap off of my eyeliner.

"That sounds fun, what are you going to draw?" Athena questioned. I hadn't thought that far ahead so I had to think of an answer.

"I didn't think this far ahead, maybe like a giraffe or something," I shrugged my shoulders. I decided that was a good option and so I decided to start an outline for a giraffe. I decided to add to the challenge by only looking into the small little video of me that was showing on facetime while doing it.

"You like giraffes?" Athena asked as she shifted in her seat. She looked very pretty today, her hair was tied back to keep it out  of her face.

"Yeah," I said as I frowned slightly while trying to focus on drawing the giraffe. "Adonis reminds me of a giraffe," I said absentmindedly while drawing the little horns on the giraffe.

"Why is that?" Athena asked, sounding amused at my words.

"He's tall," I said simply as I set down my eyeliner. The giraffe was quite poorly drawn but I never claimed to be a good artist when it came to animals, especially such weirdly shaped ones.

"I'll make sure to tell him that," she said, seeming to look over at something. That's when I saw a splatter of red stuff on her cheek.

"You have something on your face," I told her. She hummed as her hand moved over to her cheek, touching it gently. She looked at it and frowned after a moment.

"It's paint, I was painting earlier," she told me.

"You like to paint?" I asked, watching her shoulders seem to relax at my words.

"Mhmm, I have my own studio," she informed me. I pouted in jealousy as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"I want my own art studio," I said as I frowned slightly.

"You could come see mine one day," Athena offered.

"Yes," I accepted quickly before she could take back her offer. "When?" I then asked, too excited to be more polite.

"This weekend I should be off early enough that you could come over and see it," she said.

"I would love to, send me the time as soon as you know," I begged.

"You know your nose crinkles up when you get excited," she said with a small smile.

"No it doesn't," I quickly denied. I knew that it did but she didn't have to point it out.

"Yes it does, it's quite adorable," she informed me.

"I am hanging up on you now and I am not adorable," I retorted, sticking my tongue at her before I ended the face time. A laugh escaped my lips as I imagined how she'd react to that.

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